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Created March 21, 2020 10:17
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astilectron demo for development purposes
package main
import (
bootstrap ""
// Constants
const htmlAbout = `Welcome on <b>Astilectron</b> demo!<br>
This is using the bootstrap and the bundler.`
// Vars injected via ldflags by bundler
var (
AppName string
BuiltAt string
VersionAstilectron string
VersionElectron string
// Application Vars
var (
debug = flag.Bool("d", true, "enables the debug mode")
w *astilectron.Window
func main() {
// Parse flags
// Create logger
l := log.New(log.Writer(), log.Prefix(), log.Flags())
wd, _ := os.Getwd()
// Run bootstrap
l.Printf("Running app built at %s\n", BuiltAt)
if err := bootstrap.Run(bootstrap.Options{
//Asset: Asset,
//AssetDir: AssetDir,
AstilectronOptions: astilectron.Options{
AppName: AppName,
AppIconDarwinPath: "resources/icon.icns",
AppIconDefaultPath: "resources/icon.png",
BaseDirectoryPath: wd,
SingleInstance: true,
VersionAstilectron: VersionAstilectron,
VersionElectron: VersionElectron,
Debug: *debug,
Logger: l,
MenuOptions: []*astilectron.MenuItemOptions{{
Label: astikit.StrPtr("File"),
SubMenu: []*astilectron.MenuItemOptions{
Label: astikit.StrPtr("About"),
OnClick: func(e astilectron.Event) (deleteListener bool) {
if err := bootstrap.SendMessage(w, "about", htmlAbout, func(m *bootstrap.MessageIn) {
// Unmarshal payload
var s string
if err := json.Unmarshal(m.Payload, &s); err != nil {
l.Println(fmt.Errorf("unmarshaling payload failed: %w", err))
l.Printf("About modal has been displayed and payload is %s!\n", s)
}); err != nil {
l.Println(fmt.Errorf("sending about event failed: %w", err))
{Role: astilectron.MenuItemRoleClose},
OnWait: func(_ *astilectron.Astilectron, ws []*astilectron.Window, _ *astilectron.Menu, _ *astilectron.Tray, _ *astilectron.Menu) error {
w = ws[0]
go func() {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
if err := bootstrap.SendMessage(w, "", "Don't forget to check out the menu!"); err != nil {
l.Println(fmt.Errorf("sending event failed: %w", err))
return nil
//RestoreAssets: RestoreAssets,
Windows: []*bootstrap.Window{{
Homepage: "index.html",
MessageHandler: handleMessages,
Options: &astilectron.WindowOptions{
BackgroundColor: astikit.StrPtr("#333"),
Center: astikit.BoolPtr(true),
Height: astikit.IntPtr(700),
Width: astikit.IntPtr(700),
}); err != nil {
l.Fatal(fmt.Errorf("running bootstrap failed: %w", err))
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