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Created March 20, 2013 02:00
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public class ArrayToBST {
public static void main( String[] args ) {
int[] x = { 9, 12, 14, 17, 19, 23, 50, 54, 67, 72, 76 };
BinarySearchTree t = new BinarySearchTree();
SortedArrayToBST( t, x, 0, x.length - 1 );
if ( t.isBalanced() )
System.out.println( "Successfully built a balanced BST!" );
else System.out.println( "You failed, please review your code!" );
public static void SortedArrayToBST( BinarySearchTree t, int[] x, int i, int j ) {
int middle = ( int ) ( ( i + j ) / 2 );
if ( i >=0 && j >= 0 && j >= i ) {
t.BSTInsert( new TreeNode( x[ middle ] ) );
SortedArrayToBST( t, x, i, middle - 1 );
SortedArrayToBST( t, x, middle + 1, j );
public class BinarySearchTree {
private TreeNode root;
//private int height;
public BinarySearchTree() {
root = null;
public BinarySearchTree( TreeNode n ) {
this.root = n;
public TreeNode getRoot() {
return this.root;
public BinarySearchTree getLeftTree() {
return new BinarySearchTree( this.root.getLeft() );
public BinarySearchTree getRightTree() {
return new BinarySearchTree( this.root.getRight() );
public void BSTTraverse() {
if ( this.root != null ) {
System.out.print( this.root.getValue() );
System.out.print( "->" );
public void BSTInsert( TreeNode n ) {
TreeNode x = this.root;
TreeNode y = null;
while ( x!= null ) {
y = x;
if ( n.getValue() < x.getValue() )
x = x.getLeft();
else x = x.getRight();
n.setParent( y );
if ( y == null )
this.root = n;
else if ( n.getValue() < y.getValue() )
y.setLeft( n );
else y.setRight( n );
public TreeNode TreeMinimum() {
TreeNode x = this.root;
while ( x.getLeft() != null )
x = x.getLeft();
return x;
public TreeNode TreeMaximum() {
TreeNode x = this.root;
while ( x.getRight() != null )
x = x.getRight();
return x;
//recursive TreeSearch method
/*public TreeNode TreeSearch( int val ) {
if ( this.root == null || val == this.root.getValue() )
return this.root;
if ( val < this.root.getValue() )
return this.getLeftTree().TreeSearch( val );
else return this.getRightTree().TreeSearch( val );
//iterative TreeSearch method
public TreeNode TreeSearch( int val ) {
TreeNode x = this.root;
while ( x != null && val != x.getValue() ) {
if ( val < x.getValue() )
x = x.getLeft();
else x = x.getRight();
return x;
public void TransPlant( TreeNode u, TreeNode v ) {
if ( u.getParent() == null )
this.root = v;
else if ( u == u.getParent().getLeft() )
u.getParent().setLeft( v );
else u.getParent().setRight( v );
if ( v != null )
v.setParent( u.getParent() );
public void TreeDelete( TreeNode z ) {
if ( z.getLeft() == null )
this.TransPlant( z, z.getRight() );
else if ( z.getRight() == null )
this.TransPlant( z, z.getLeft() );
else {
TreeNode y = ( new BinarySearchTree( z.getRight() ) ).TreeMinimum();
if ( y.getParent() != z ) {
this.TransPlant( y, y.getRight() );
y.setRight( z.getRight() );
y.getRight().setParent( y );
this.TransPlant( z, y );
y.setLeft( z.getLeft() );
y.getLeft().setParent( y );
public int Height( BinarySearchTree t ) {
if ( t.root == null )
return 0;
else return ( Math.max( Height( t.getLeftTree() ), Height( t.getRightTree() ) ) + 1 );
public boolean isBalanced() {
if ( this.root == null )
return true;
if ( Math.abs( Height( this.getLeftTree() ) - Height( this.getRightTree() ) ) > 1 )
return false;
else return ( this.getLeftTree().isBalanced() && this.getRightTree().isBalanced() );
public class TreeNode {
private int value;
private TreeNode parent;
private TreeNode left;
private TreeNode right;
public TreeNode( int val ) {
this.value = val;
this.parent = null;
this.left = null;
this.right = null;
public int getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue( int val ) {
this.value = val;
public TreeNode getParent() {
return this.parent;
public TreeNode getLeft() {
return this.left;
public TreeNode getRight() {
return this.right;
public void setParent( TreeNode n ) {
this.parent = n;
public void setLeft( TreeNode n ) {
this.left = n;
public void setRight( TreeNode n ) {
this.right = n;
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