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Last active December 20, 2015 11:59
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  • Save astockwell/6127640 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save astockwell/6127640 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Creates a working project for flat (non-Wordpress) site development from the latest [KLAS framework]( Usage is indicated at the top of the file. Don't use if you don't understand what's going on, as this file is destructive. Remove from your project after use.
#### TO USE ####
# 1. Create a new folder for your project
# 2. Save this script in that folder (as
# 3. Run `chmod +x` to make it executable
# 4. Run `./`
#### Smile ####
set -eu
git clone
cd klas/
rm -rf .git 404.php archive.php comments.php functions.php index.php screenshot.png searchform.php sidebar.php single.php style.css wp-config.php css/editor-style.css sass/editor-style.scss
cat header.php >> index.html && printf "\n" >> index.html && cat page.php >> index.html && printf "\n" >> index.html && cat footer.php >> index.html
rm -rf header.php page.php footer.php
sed -i '' 's/<?php language_attributes(); ?>/dir="ltr" lang="en-US"/g' index.html
sed -i '' "s/<?php bloginfo( 'charset' ); ?>/UTF-8/g" index.html
sed -i '' "s/<?php bloginfo('name'); ?><?php wp_title('|'); ?>//g" index.html
sed -E -i '' '/\<\?php wp_head\(\); \?\>/{N;d;}' index.html
sed -E -i '' "s/(\<\?php bloginfo\( 'stylesheet_directory' \); \?\>\/)|(\<\?php bloginfo\( 'template_directory' \)\; \?\>\/)//g" index.html
sed -i '' '/atom_url/d' index.html
sed -i '' '/favicon/d' index.html
sed -i '' "s/ <?php body_class(); ?>//g" index.html
sed -n '
/var site_url/{n
' index.html > index.html~
mv index.html~ index.html
sed -E -i '' 's/\<\?php wp_nav_menu(.*)\?\>//g' index.html
sed -E -i '' 's/ \<\!-- End Header --\>//g' index.html
sed -E -i '' '/^\t?\<\?php get(.*)[?-]\>$/d' index.html
sed -E -i '' '/\<\?php (if|end)/d' index.html
sed -E -i '' 's/\<\?php the_(.*)\(\); \?\>//g' index.html
sed -E -i '' '/get_sidebar/d' index.html
sed -E -i '' 's/.*\&copy.*//g' index.html
sed -E -i '' '/wp_footer/d' index.html
sed -E -i '' 's/^\<\?php wp_enqueue_script(.*)\?\>$/\<script src="js\/script-min\.js"\>\<\/script\>/g' index.html
sed -i '' '/script-min/i \
\<script src\="http:\/\/ajax\.googleapis\.com\/ajax\/libs\/jquery\/1\.9\.1\/jquery\.min\.js"\>\<\/script\> \
' index.html
sed -E -i '' 's|/wp-content/themes/klas/||g' sass/ie.scss css/ie.css
cd ..
mv klas/* .
mv klas/.htaccess klas/.gitignore .
rm -rf klas/
git init
git add .
git commit -am 'initial commit'
git status
echo "Your flat project is ready!"
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