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Last active August 22, 2023 16:00
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OpenBSD on a Raspberry Pi 4

OpenBSD on a Raspberry Pi 4B

Minimalist installation of OpenBSD on a Raspberry Pi 4



  1. Follow the intructions to Download the OpenBSD arm64 image or get it from your favorite mirror
    % curl -O
    % curl -O
    % shasum -a 256 -c --ignore-missing SHA256
  2. Create the install media:
  • identify the USB flash with diskutil list
  • unmount it diskutil unmountDisk disk4, obviouslly disk4 was my case not necessary yours
  • # dd if=miniroot.img of=/dev/disk4
  1. Prepare the RP3 with the USB drives connected and the internet connection ready

  2. Connect the USB Serial Adapter to your computer this way:

  3. Access to the terminal with # cu -l /dev/cu.usbserial-110 -s 115200 | tee /tmp/cu.log

  4. Start the RP3 and follow the OpenBSD install instructions

    Welcome to the OpenBSD/arm64 7.3 installation program.
    (I)nstall, (U)pgrade, (A)utoinstall or (S)hell?


  • Notice that once installed not all USB drives are fast enought to boot OpenBSD on a RP4
  • find out your usbserial typing and using the tab on /dev/cu.usbserial


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