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Created June 21, 2009 12:41
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import Data.Char as Char
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import System.Console.Editline.Readline
-- Parser
data Command = Quit
| Go Direction
| Do Verb Object
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Direction = East
| South
| West
| North
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Verb = Look
| Take
| Put
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Object = Coin
| Key
| Sign
| Vampire
| Door
| Cross
| Around
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
parseCommand = parse command_syntax ""
command_syntax = quit
<|> liftM Go direction
<|> (do Look <- word [Look]
return $ Do Look Around)
<|> liftM2 Do verb (char ' ' >> object)
where word a = try (many alphaNum >>=
word2token a)
quit = word [Quit]
direction = word [East, South, West, North]
verb = word [Look, Take, Put]
object = word [Coin, Key, Sign, Vampire, Door, Cross, Around]
word2token :: (Monad m, Show a) => [a] -> String -> m a
word2token (x:xs) s | x' == s' = return x
| otherwise = word2token xs s
where downcase = map Char.toLower
x' = downcase $ show x
s' = downcase s
word2token _ s = fail $ "unrecognized token: " ++ s -- Parsec monad will try next alternative
-- State logic
data Location = Chamber
| ThroneRoom
| Dungeon
| Crypt
| Cell
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data GameState' = GameState' { stLocation :: Location,
stInventory :: [Object],
stLocationObjects :: [(Location, [Object])]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type GameState a = StateT GameState' IO a
say = liftIO . putStrLn
inventoryContains :: Object -> GameState Bool
inventoryContains object = (object `elem`) `liftM`
stInventory `liftM`
goFrom Chamber North = return $ Just ThroneRoom
goFrom Chamber East = return $ Just Dungeon
goFrom ThroneRoom South = return $ Just Chamber
goFrom Dungeon West = return $ Just Chamber
goFrom Dungeon North = return $ Just Crypt
goFrom Dungeon South = do has_key <- inventoryContains Key
case has_key of
False -> do
say "Door is locked"
return $ Nothing
True -> return $ Just Cell
goFrom Crypt South = return $ Just Dungeon
goFrom Cell North = return $ Just Dungeon
goFrom _ _ = return Nothing
runCommand :: Command -> GameState ()
runCommand (Go direction) = do state <- get
let location = stLocation state
location' <- goFrom location direction
case location' of
Just location'' -> do put state { stLocation = location'' }
say $ "You entered the " ++ (show location'')
Nothing -> say "You've just hit the wall."
runCommand (Do Look Around) = do location <- stLocation `liftM` get
objects <- maybe [] id `liftM`
lookup location `liftM`
stLocationObjects `liftM`
say $ "You are in the " ++ (show location)
say $ "I see here: " ++ (intercalate ", " $ map show objects)
runCommand (Do Look object) = say $ "It's a regular " ++ (show object)
runCommand (Do verb object) = say $ "I cannot " ++ (show verb) ++ " with " ++ (show object) ++ ", you need to implement this first"
runCommand _ = say "I don't understand your utter crap. How was I able to parse it in the first place?"
-- Main interface
main' :: GameState ()
main' = do input <- liftIO $ readline "> "
case input of
Nothing -> return ()
Just input' -> do
let parsed = parseCommand input'
case parsed of
Left e -> do say $ "Huh?\n" ++ (show e)
Right Quit -> say "Bye!"
Right command -> do runCommand command
main :: IO ()
main = let state = GameState' { stLocation = Chamber,
stInventory = [],
stLocationObjects = [(Chamber, [Sign]),
(Cell, [Coin]),
(Crypt, [Key, Vampire]),
(Dungeon, [Door]),
(ThroneRoom, [Cross])
] }
in fst `liftM` runStateT main' state
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