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Created February 3, 2017 22:32
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convert between vdisp, R_E, M_E
'''Convert between R_E to vdisp and M_E
one z_lens, one z_source, one R_E at a time
import numpy
z_lens = 0.3958
z_source = 3.4346
vdisp = 373.72 # 284.4
e_vdisp = 9.0 # 5.0
# theta = 0.5
# e_theta = 0.05
def Re2MeVdisp(theta_Es, e_theta_Es, zlenses, zsources):
Returns mass and velocity dispersion inside Einstein radius given an Einstein radius (in arcsec), source redshift, and lens redshift
from math import pi
from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
import numpy
ntarg = theta_Es.size
M_E = numpy.zeros(ntarg)
e_M_E = numpy.zeros(ntarg)
vdisp = numpy.zeros(ntarg)
e_vdisp = numpy.zeros(ntarg)
for targ in numpy.arange(ntarg):
zsource = zsources[targ]
zlens = zlenses[targ]
theta_E = theta_Es[targ]
e_theta_E = e_theta_Es[targ]
# luminosity distances
d_LS = cosmo.luminosity_distance(zsource).value * 3.08e24
d_LL = cosmo.luminosity_distance(zlens).value * 3.08e24
# comoving distances
d_MS = d_LS / (1 + zsource)
d_ML = d_LL / (1 + zlens)
# angular diameter distances
d_ALS = 1 / (1 + zsource) * ( d_MS - d_ML )
d_AL = d_LL / (1 + zlens)**2
d_AS = d_LS / (1 + zsource)**2
# einstein radius in cm (7.1 kpc/" at z=0.7)
theta_E_cm = theta_E / 206265. * d_AL
e_theta_E_cm = e_theta_E / 206265. * d_AL
# get a distribution of Einstein radii
niters = 1e3
theta_E_iters = numpy.random.normal(loc=theta_E_cm, scale=e_theta_E_cm, size=niters)
# compute the mass enclosed within the Einstein radius
c = 3e10
G = 6.67e-8
sigma_crit = c**2 / 4 / pi / G * d_AS / d_AL / d_ALS
M_E_iters = pi * sigma_crit * theta_E_iters**2 / 2e33
M_E[targ] = numpy.mean(M_E_iters)
e_M_E[targ] = numpy.std(M_E_iters)
vdisp2 = theta_E_iters / d_AL / 4 / pi * c**2 * d_AS / d_ALS
vdisp[targ] = numpy.mean(numpy.sqrt(vdisp2) / 1e5)
e_vdisp[targ] = numpy.std(numpy.sqrt(vdisp2) / 1e5)
return M_E, e_M_E, vdisp, e_vdisp
def Vdisp2Re(vdisp_Es, e_vdisp_Es, zlenses, zsources):
Returns Einstein radius (in arcsec), given source redshift, and lens redshift, and velocity dispersion inside in km/s
from math import pi
from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
import numpy
c = 3e10
G = 6.67e-8
ntarg = vdisp_Es.size
M_E = numpy.zeros(ntarg)
e_M_E = numpy.zeros(ntarg)
theta = numpy.zeros(ntarg)
e_theta = numpy.zeros(ntarg)
for targ in numpy.arange(ntarg):
zsource = zsources[targ]
zlens = zlenses[targ]
vdisp_E = vdisp_Es[targ]
e_vdisp_E = e_vdisp_Es[targ]
# luminosity distances
d_LS = cosmo.luminosity_distance(zsource).value * 3.08e24
d_LL = cosmo.luminosity_distance(zlens).value * 3.08e24
# comoving distances
d_MS = d_LS / (1 + zsource)
d_ML = d_LL / (1 + zlens)
# angular diameter distances
d_ALS = 1 / (1 + zsource) * ( d_MS - d_ML )
d_AL = d_LL / (1 + zlens)**2
d_AS = d_LS / (1 + zsource)**2
vdisp_E_cm = vdisp * 1e5
e_vdisp_E_cm = e_vdisp_Es * 1e5
# get a distribution of vdisp
niters = 1e3
vdisp_E_iters = numpy.random.normal(loc=vdisp_E_cm, scale=e_vdisp_E_cm, size=int(niters))
theta_E_cm = vdisp_E_iters**2 * d_AL * 4 * pi / c**2 / d_AS * d_ALS # cgs
theta[targ] = numpy.mean(theta_E_cm) # cm
e_theta[targ] = numpy.std(theta_E_cm) # cm
# convert theta_E_cm to arcsec
theta *= 206265. / d_AL
e_theta *= 206265. / d_AL
return theta, e_theta
print Vdisp2Re(numpy.array([vdisp]), numpy.array([e_vdisp]), numpy.array([z_lens]), numpy.array([z_source]))
# print Re2MeVdisp(numpy.array([theta]), numpy.array([e_theta]), numpy.array([z_lens]), numpy.array([z_source]))
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