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Created July 17, 2018 22:34
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Mass function
def mass_function(data, logged=False,
nbins=35, verbose=True):
Calculates a mass function from data, using 3 methods.
data: array
logged: boolean
if False, will take log inside function
nbins: int
verbose: boolean
mf / dm:
dN/dlnM, differential mass function
mass bins
nbins = int(nbins)
#if log have been taken from the data or not
if not logged:
dat = np.log(data)
dat = data
del data
#number of object
nobj = len(dat)
mmax = dat.max()
mmin = dat.min()
dm = (mmax - mmin) / float(nbins)
#mid points
mbin = (np.arange(nbins) + 0.5) * dm + mmin
# count up mass in each bin
mf = np.zeros(nbins)
# which bin each data point belongs to
ibin = np.floor((dat - mmin) / dm)
# make a mask to keep bins given user-defind nbins
mask = (ibin >= 0) & (ibin < nbins)
# sum up each bin
wght = np.ones(len(ibin[mask]))
for i in range(nbins):
mf[i] = np.sum(wght[np.array(ibin[mask], dtype=int) == i])
mf = np.array(mf)
if not logged:
mbin = np.e ** mbin
if verbose:
print 'Number of object = %i' % nobj
print 'dlnM =', dm
print 'min = %f, max = %f' % (mmin, mmax)
print 'Results:\n', mbin, mf / dm
# alternatively, we can calculating using np.digitize....
id_bin = np.digitize(dat, mbin)
mf = np.bincount(id_bin)
print "here: ", mf/dm
# calculate mass functions, using np.histogram:
# counts_per_bin, bin_edges
mf, edges = np.histogram(dat, nbins,
range=(mmin, mmax))
mbin = (edges[1:] + edges[:-1]) / 2.
dm = edges[1] - edges[0]
if not logged:
mbin = np.e ** mbin
if verbose:
print 'From np.histogram: '
print 'Number of object = %i' % nobj
print 'dlnM =', dm
print 'min = %f, max = %f' % (mmin, mmax)
print 'Results:\n', mbin, mf / dm
return mbin, mf / dm
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