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Created February 1, 2023 15:22
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JRP case test
import numpy as np
from pyunicorn.timeseries import RecurrencePlot, RecurrenceNetwork, CrossRecurrencePlot, JointRecurrencePlot
def logistic_map(x0, r, T):
Returns a time series of length T using the logistic map
x_(n+1) = r*x_n(1-x_n) at parameter r and using the initial condition x0.
INPUT: x0 - Initial condition, 0 <= x0 <= 1
r - Bifurcation parameter, 0 <= r <= 4
T - length of the desired time series
TODO: Cythonize
# Initialize the time series array
timeSeries = np.empty(T)
timeSeries[0] = x0
for i in range(1, len(timeSeries)):
xn = timeSeries[i-1]
timeSeries[i] = r * xn * (1 - xn)
return timeSeries
# Parameters of logistic map
r = 3.679 # Bifurcation parameter
x0 = 0.7 # Initial value
# Length of the time series
T = 150
# Settings for the embedding
DIM = 1 # Embedding dimension
TAU = 0 # Embedding delay
# Settings for the recurrence plot
EPS = 0.05 # Fixed threshold
RR = 0.05 # Fixed recurrence rate
# Distance metric in phase space ->
# Possible choices ("manhattan","euclidean","supremum")
METRIC = "supremum"
# Main script
# Create a time series using the logistic map
x = logistic_map(x0, r, T)
y = logistic_map(0.9, 3.680, T)
time_points = range(0, T)
jrp = JointRecurrencePlot(x, y, threshold=(0.1,0.1))
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