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Happy to code

Asta B. astux7

Happy to code
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astux7 /
Created May 18, 2023 09:10
Custom Compose components

Custom text field

fun CustomTextField(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    header: String? = "header",
    value: String = "",
    onValueChange: (String) -> Unit = {},
    headerTextStyle: TextStyle = TextStyle.Default,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
astux7 /
Last active March 8, 2020 20:06
Rails Girls commands

Rails Girls


Instalation Mac os


Update xcode

$ xcode-select --install

Install homebrew

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Install rbenv

astux7 /
Last active March 5, 2020 12:59
Django cheat sheet

Django shell/interactive console on your laptop

(myvenv) ~/djangogirls$ python shell close >>> exit()

Activate virtual env myvenv in your laptop

$ myvenv\Scripts\activate Windows $ source myvenv/bin/activate

Starting web service in your laptop

(myvenv) ~/djangogirls$ python runserver Go to browser

astux7 /
Last active August 12, 2016 15:27
guide how to add twitter widget to your website

Twitter widget

Written by Asta Bevainyte, @astux7

This exercise is intended to teach how to use twitter widget and how to add it to the http://localhost:3000/pages/info

Where is 2 ways to do it, if you want to do it quick just adding a prepared code, go to paragraph 2.

Coach explain what is widget.

astux7 /
Last active April 8, 2016 13:59
Reek common offences
astux7 /
Created November 10, 2014 10:14

sudo apt-get install git-gui gitk

gitk filename

astux7 /
Last active February 3, 2023 15:54
include, extend, super, prepend in ruby

Ruby Methods:

[include] - makes the modules methods available to the instance of a class. It takes all the methods from another module and includes them into the current module. This is a language-level thing. The include method is the primary way to "extend" classes with other modules (usually referred to as mix-ins).

module After