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Created July 25, 2022 22:08
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Evaluate a math expression with order of operations
""" Evaluates a math expression with the correct order of operations. """
def editExpression(inputExpr):
""" Edit the math expression by removing spaces and enclosing it in parentheses. """
expression = "("
for ch in inputExpr:
if ch != ' ':
expression += ch
expression += ')'
return expression
def precedence(operator):
""" Return the given operators precedent to ensure the correct order of operations. """
if operator == '(':
return 0
elif operator == ')':
return 1
elif operator == '+' or operator == '-':
return 2
elif (operator == '*' or operator == 'x' or operator == '×') or \
(operator == '/' or operator == '÷') or operator == '%':
return 3
elif operator == '^':
return 4
else: # not an operator
return -1
def getNumber(expression, index):
""" Retrive a number from the expression string (and move the index accordingly). """
is_neg = False
if expression[index] == '-':
is_neg = True
index += 1
if expression[index] == '+':
index += 1
num = 0
divBy = 0
while index < len(expression):
currChar = expression[index]
if currChar == '.':
# The "divBy *= 10" line must be written after the if block
divBy = 0.1 # divBy will be "1" by the end of this iteration
elif ord('0') <= ord(currChar) and ord(currChar) <= ord('9'):
num = (num * 10) + (ord(currChar) - ord('0'))
else: # not part of the number
divBy *= 10
index += 1
if divBy != 0:
num /= divBy
if is_neg:
num *= -1
return num, index
def operate(operator, num2, num1):
""" Run the operator (operate) on the two given numbers; return the result. """
if operator == '+':
return num1 + num2
elif operator == '-':
return num1 - num2
elif operator == '*' or operator == 'x' or operator == '×':
return num1 * num2
elif operator == '/' or operator == '÷':
return num1 / num2
elif operator == '%':
return num1 % num2
elif operator == '^':
return pow(num1, num2)
else: # not an operator
return 0
def evaluateExpression(expression):
""" Evaluates a given math expression and returns the result """
operators = []
numbers = []
index = 0
was_oper = True
while index < len(expression):
if was_oper and expression[index] != '(':
# read a number (could be negative and/or floating point)
num, index = getNumber(expression, index)
was_oper = False
prec = precedence(expression[index])
if expression[index] == '(':
prec = 10 # ignoring the below while loop
while len(operators) > 0 and prec <= precedence(operators[-1]):
numbers.pop(-1), numbers.pop(-1)))
if expression[index] == ')':
operators.pop(-1) # '('
was_oper = False
else: # regular operator or '('
was_oper = True
index += 1
return numbers[0]
# Main code: handles the user interactions (input and output)
print("Welcome the my math expression calculator!")
print("If you want to stop evaluating expression enter \"q\".")
expression = editExpression(input("Enter a math expression: "))
while expression != "(q)": # ask for user expressions until quit
print("Your expression evaluates to:", evaluateExpression(expression))
expression = editExpression(input("Enter a new math expression: "))
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