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Created December 1, 2023 19:15
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author: asuka minato
from __future__ import annotations
import string as S
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable
class Result:
success: bool
value: str = ""
rest: str = ""
captures: Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict)
Combinator = Callable[[str], Result]
class Char:
c: str
def __call__(self, other: str) -> Result:
if len(other) == 0:
return Result(False)
if self.c == other[0]:
return Result(True, self.c, other[1:])
return Result(False)
class Either:
combinators: Iterable[Combinator]
def __call__(self, s: str) -> Result:
for x in self.combinators:
result = x(s)
if result.success:
return result
return Result(False)
assert Char("c")("c").success
assert not Char("c")("b").success
assert Either([Char("a"), Char("b")])("a").success
assert Either([Char("a"), Char("b")])("b").success
assert not Either([Char("a"), Char("b")])("d").success
digit = Either([Char(x) for x in "1234567890"])
hexDigit = Either([digit, *[Char(x) for x in "abcdefABCDEF"]])
assert digit("1").success
assert not digit("a").success
assert hexDigit("C").success
assert not hexDigit("G").success
class Sequence:
combinators: Iterable[Combinator]
def __call__(self, s: str) -> Result:
rest = s
value = ""
captures: Dict[str, str] = dict()
for i in self.combinators:
result = i(rest)
if result.success:
rest =
value += result.value
captures = {**captures, **result.captures}
return Result(False)
return Result(True, value, rest, captures)
assert Sequence([Char("a"), Char("b")])("abcdef") == Result(
success=True, value="ab", rest="cdef"
def string(s: str):
return Sequence([Char(x) for x in s])
assert string("abc")("abcdef").success
assert not string("abd")("abcd").success
class nOrMore:
n: int
comb: Combinator
def __call__(self, s: str) -> Result:
matches = 0
rest = s
val = ""
capture: Dict[str, str] = {}
while True:
result = self.comb(rest)
if result.success:
matches += 1
val += result.value
rest =
capture = {
if matches >= self.n:
return Result(True, val, rest, capture)
return Result(False)
class Optional:
c: Combinator
def __call__(self, s: str) -> Result:
result = self.c(s)
if result.success:
return result
return Result(True, "", s)
hexNumber = Sequence([string("0x"), nOrMore(1, hexDigit)])
assert hexNumber("0x1afb").success
integer = nOrMore(1, digit)
floatingPoint = Sequence([integer, Char("."), integer])
number = Either([floatingPoint, integer])
assert number("3.14").success
class capture:
name: str
comb: Combinator
map_: Callable[[str], str] = lambda x: x
def __call__(self, s: str) -> Result:
result = self.comb(s)
if result.success:
return Result(
captures={**result.captures, self.map_(result.value)},
return result
class map_:
comb: Combinator
m: Callable[[Result], Result]
def __call__(self, s: str) -> Result:
result = self.comb(s)
if result.success:
return self.m(result)
return result
plus = Sequence([capture("left", number), Char("+"), capture("right", number)])
letter = Either([capture("c", Char(x)) for x in S.ascii_letters])
begin = capture("begin", nOrMore(3, Either(Char(x) for x in S.ascii_uppercase)))
number_capture = capture("number", number)
ans = Sequence([begin, Char("-"), number_capture])
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