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Created October 19, 2022 15:44
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Based on code from "I never signed up for this! Privacy implications of email
tracking" by Steve Englehardt, Jeffrey Han, Arvind Narayanan.
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2018.1 (2018): 109-126.
import cProfile
import html
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs, quote_plus
from Crypto.Hash import MD2
from collections import defaultdict
from http import cookies as ck
# import hackercodecs # noqa
import hashlib
# import pyblake2
import urllib
import sha3
import mmh3
# import mmhash
import base64
import base58
import zlib
import json
import re
from lzstring import LZString
from collections import defaultdict
# DELIMITERS = re.compile('[&|\,]')
DELIMITERS = re.compile('[&|\,]|%s|%s' % (quote_plus("="), quote_plus("&")))
EXTENSION_RE = re.compile('\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}$')
# 'yenc',
HASHES = ['md2', 'md4', 'md5', 'sha1', 'sha256', 'sha224', 'sha384',
'sha512', 'sha3_224', 'sha3_256', 'sha3_384', 'sha3_512',
# 'mmh2', 'mmh2_unsigned',
# 'mmh3_32',
'mmh3_64_1', 'mmh3_64_2', 'mmh3_128',
# , 'blake2b', 'blake2s'
def get_path_from_url(url):
return url.split(urlparse(url).netloc, 1)[-1]
except Exception as exc:
print("Cannot parse url %s %s" % (url, exc))
return ""
CUSTOM_MAP_IN = "kibp8A4EWRMKHa7gvyz1dOPt6UI5xYD3nqhVwZBXfCcFeJmrLN20lS9QGsjTuo"
CUSTOM_MAP_OUT = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
def custom_map_enc(_string):
return _string.translate(CUSTOM_MAP_ENC)
def custom_map_dec(_string):
return _string.translate(CUSTOM_MAP_DEC)
class Hasher():
def __init__(self):
# Define Supported hashes
hashes = dict()
hashes['md2'] = lambda x: self._get_md2_hash(x.encode())
hashes['md4'] = lambda x: self._get_hashlib_hash('md4', x.encode())
hashes['md5'] = lambda x: hashlib.md5(x.encode()).hexdigest()
hashes['sha'] = lambda x: self._get_hashlib_hash('sha', x)
hashes['sha1'] = lambda x: hashlib.sha1(x.encode()).hexdigest()
hashes['sha256'] = lambda x: hashlib.sha256(x.encode()).hexdigest()
hashes['sha224'] = lambda x: hashlib.sha224(x.encode()).hexdigest()
hashes['sha384'] = lambda x: hashlib.sha384(x.encode()).hexdigest()
hashes['sha512'] = lambda x: hashlib.sha512(x.encode()).hexdigest()
hashes['sha3_224'] = lambda x: sha3.sha3_224(x.encode()).hexdigest()
hashes['sha3_256'] = lambda x: sha3.sha3_256(x.encode()).hexdigest()
hashes['sha3_384'] = lambda x: sha3.sha3_384(x.encode()).hexdigest()
hashes['sha3_512'] = lambda x: sha3.sha3_512(x.encode()).hexdigest()
# hashes['mmh2'] = lambda x: str(mmhash.get_hash(x))
# hashes['mmh2_unsigned'] = lambda x: str(mmhash.get_unsigned_hash(x))
# hashes['mmh3_32'] = lambda x: str(mmh3.hash(x))
hashes['mmh3_64_1'] = lambda x: str(mmh3.hash64(x)[0])
hashes['mmh3_64_2'] = lambda x: str(mmh3.hash64(x)[1])
hashes['mmh3_128'] = lambda x: str(mmh3.hash128(x))
hashes['ripemd160'] = lambda x: self._get_hashlib_hash('ripemd160', x.encode())
hashes['whirlpool'] = lambda x: self._get_hashlib_hash('whirlpool', x.encode())
hashes['sha_salted_1'] = lambda x: hashlib.sha256(
x.encode() + 'QX4QkKEU'.encode()).hexdigest()
# hashes['blake2b'] = lambda x: pyblake2.blake2b(x).hexdigest()
# hashes['blake2s'] = lambda x: pyblake2.blake2s(x).hexdigest()
# hashes['crc32'] = lambda x: str(zlib.crc32(x))
# hashes['adler32'] = lambda x: str(zlib.adler32(x))
self._hashes = hashes
self.hashes_and_checksums = self._hashes.keys()
self.supported_hashes = HASHES
def _get_hashlib_hash(self, name, string):
"""Use for hashlib hashes that don't have a shortcut"""
hasher =
return hasher.hexdigest()
def _get_md2_hash(self, string):
"""Compute md2 hash"""
md2 =
return md2.hexdigest()
def get_hash(self, hash_name, string):
"""Compute the desired hash"""
return self._hashes[hash_name](string)
class Encoder():
def __init__(self):
# Define supported encodings
encodings = dict()
encodings['base16'] = lambda x: base64.b16encode(x.encode())
encodings['base32'] = lambda x: base64.b32encode(x.encode())
encodings['base58'] = lambda x: base58.b58encode(x.encode())
encodings['base64'] = lambda x: base64.b64encode(x.encode())
encodings['urlencode'] = lambda x: urllib.parse.quote_plus(x)
encodings['deflate'] = lambda x: self._compress_with_zlib('deflate', x.encode())
encodings['zlib'] = lambda x: self._compress_with_zlib('zlib', x.encode())
encodings['gzip'] = lambda x: self._compress_with_zlib('gzip', x.encode())
encodings['json'] = lambda x: json.dumps(x)
encodings['binary'] = lambda x: x.encode('bin')
# encodings['entity'] = lambda x: x.encode('entity')
encodings['entity'] = lambda x: html.escape(x)
encodings['rot1'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot1')
encodings['rot10'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot10')
encodings['rot11'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot11')
encodings['rot12'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot12')
encodings['rot13'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot13')
encodings['rot14'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot14')
encodings['rot15'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot15')
encodings['rot16'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot16')
encodings['rot17'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot17')
encodings['rot18'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot18')
encodings['rot19'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot19')
encodings['rot2'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot2')
encodings['rot20'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot20')
encodings['rot21'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot21')
encodings['rot22'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot22')
encodings['rot23'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot23')
encodings['rot24'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot24')
encodings['rot25'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot25')
encodings['rot3'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot3')
encodings['rot4'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot4')
encodings['rot5'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot5')
encodings['rot6'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot6')
encodings['rot7'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot7')
encodings['rot8'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot8')
encodings['rot9'] = lambda x: x.encode('rot9')
encodings['lzstring'] = LZString.compressToEncodedURIComponent
encodings['custom_map_1'] = custom_map_enc
# encodings['yenc'] = lambda x: x.encode('yenc')
self._encodings = encodings
self.supported_encodings = self._encodings.keys()
def _compress_with_zlib(self, compression_type, string, level=6):
"""Compress in one of the zlib supported formats: zlib, gzip, or deflate.
For a description see:
if compression_type == 'deflate':
compressor = zlib.compressobj(level, zlib.DEFLATED,
elif compression_type == 'zlib':
compressor = zlib.compressobj(level, zlib.DEFLATED,
elif compression_type == 'gzip':
compressor = zlib.compressobj(level, zlib.DEFLATED,
zlib.MAX_WBITS | 16)
raise ValueError("Unsupported zlib compression format %s." %
return compressor.compress(string) + compressor.flush()
def encode(self, encoding, string):
"""Encode `string` in desired `encoding`"""
return self._encodings[encoding](string)
class DecodeException(Exception):
def __init__(self, message, error):
super(DecodeException, self).__init__(message)
self.error = error
class Decoder():
def __init__(self):
# Define supported encodings
decodings = dict()
decodings['base16'] = lambda x: base64.b16decode(x)
decodings['base32'] = lambda x: base64.b32decode(x)
decodings['base58'] = lambda x: base58.b58decode(x)
decodings['base64'] = lambda x: base64.b64decode(x)
decodings['urlencode'] = lambda x: urllib.parse.unquote(x)
decodings['deflate'] = lambda x: self._decompress_with_zlib('deflate',
decodings['zlib'] = lambda x: self._decompress_with_zlib('zlib', x)
decodings['gzip'] = lambda x: self._decompress_with_zlib('gzip', x)
decodings['json'] = lambda x: json.loads(x)
decodings['binary'] = lambda x: x.decode('bin')
decodings['entity'] = lambda x: x.decode('entity')
decodings['rot1'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot1')
decodings['rot10'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot10')
decodings['rot11'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot11')
decodings['rot12'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot12')
decodings['rot13'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot13')
decodings['rot14'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot14')
decodings['rot15'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot15')
decodings['rot16'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot16')
decodings['rot17'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot17')
decodings['rot18'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot18')
decodings['rot19'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot19')
decodings['rot2'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot2')
decodings['rot20'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot20')
decodings['rot21'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot21')
decodings['rot22'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot22')
decodings['rot23'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot23')
decodings['rot24'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot24')
decodings['rot25'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot25')
decodings['rot3'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot3')
decodings['rot4'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot4')
decodings['rot5'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot5')
decodings['rot6'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot6')
decodings['rot7'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot7')
decodings['rot8'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot8')
decodings['rot9'] = lambda x: x.decode('rot9')
decodings['yenc'] = lambda x: x.decode('yenc')
decodings['lzstring'] = LZString.decompressFromEncodedURIComponent
decodings['custom_map_1'] = custom_map_dec
self._decodings = decodings
self.supported_encodings = self._decodings.keys()
def _decompress_with_zlib(self, compression_type, string, level=9):
"""Compress in one of the zlib supported formats: zlib, gzip, or deflate.
For a description see:
if compression_type == 'deflate':
return zlib.decompress(string, -zlib.MAX_WBITS)
elif compression_type == 'zlib':
return zlib.decompress(string, zlib.MAX_WBITS)
elif compression_type == 'gzip':
return zlib.decompress(string, zlib.MAX_WBITS | 16)
raise ValueError("Unsupported zlib compression format %s." %
def decode_error(self):
"""Catch-all error for all supported decoders"""
def decode(self, encoding, string):
"""Decode `string` encoded by `encoding`"""
return self._decodings[encoding](string)
except Exception as e:
raise DecodeException(
'Error while trying to decode %s' % encoding,
class LeakDetector():
def __init__(self, search_strings, precompute_hashes=True, hash_set=None,
hash_layers=2, precompute_encodings=True, encoding_set=None,
encoding_layers=2, debugging=False):
"""LeakDetector searches URL, POST bodies, and cookies for leaks.
The detector is constructed with a set of search strings (given by
the `search_strings` parameters. It has several methods to check for
leaks containing these strings in URLs, POST bodies, and cookie header
search_strings : list
LeakDetector will search for leaks containing any item in this list
precompute_hashes : bool
Set to `True` to include precomputed hashes in the candidate set.
hash_set : list
List of hash functions to use when building the set of candidate
hash_layers : int
The detector will find instances of `search_string` iteratively
hashed up to `hash_layers` times by any combination of supported
precompute_encodings : bool
Set to `True` to include precomputed encodings in the candidate set
encoding_set : list
List of encodings to use when building the set of candidate
encoding_layers : int
The detector will find instances of `search_string` iteratively
encoded up to `encoding_layers` times by any combination of
supported encodings.
debugging : bool
Set to `True` to enable a verbose output.
# print(search_strings)
self.search_strings = search_strings
self._min_length = min([len(x) for x in search_strings])
self._hasher = Hasher()
self._hash_set = hash_set
self._hash_layers = hash_layers
self._encoder = Encoder()
self._encoding_set = encoding_set
self._encoding_layers = encoding_layers
self._decoder = Decoder()
self._precompute_pool = dict()
self._precompute_pool_by_layer = defaultdict(dict)
# If hash/encoding sets aren't specified, use all available.
if self._hash_set is None:
self._hash_set = self._hasher.supported_hashes
if self._encoding_set is None:
self._encoding_set = self._encoder.supported_encodings
self._build_precompute_pool(precompute_hashes, precompute_encodings)
self._debugging = debugging
self._checked = defaultdict(set) # set of already searched strings per layer
def _compute_hashes(self, string, layers, prev_hashes=tuple()):
"""Returns all iterative hashes of `string` up to the
specified number of `layers`"""
for h in self._hasher.supported_hashes:
hashed_string = self._hasher.get_hash(h, string)
if hashed_string == string: # skip no-ops
hash_stack = (h,) + prev_hashes
self._precompute_pool[hashed_string] = hash_stack
if layers > 1:
self._compute_hashes(hashed_string, layers-1, hash_stack)
def _compute_encodings(self, string, layers, prev_encodings=tuple()):
"""Returns all iterative encodings of `string` up to the
specified number of `layers`"""
for enc in self._encoding_set:
encoded_string = self._encoder.encode(enc, string).decode()
except AttributeError:
encoded_string = self._encoder.encode(enc, string)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
encoded_string = str(self._encoder.encode(enc, string))
if encoded_string == string: # skip no-ops
encoding_stack = (enc,) + prev_encodings
self._precompute_pool[encoded_string] = encoding_stack
if layers > 1:
self._compute_encodings(encoded_string, layers-1,
def _build_precompute_pool(self, precompute_hashes, precompute_encodings):
"""Build a pool of hashes for the given search string"""
seed_strings = list()
for string in self.search_strings:
if string.startswith('http'):
all_lower = string.lower()
if all_lower != string:
all_upper = string.upper()
if all_upper != string:
strings = list()
for string in seed_strings:
# If the search string appears to be an email address, we also want
# to include just the username portion of the URL, and the address
# and username with any '.'s removed from the username (since these
# are optional in Gmail).
if ENABLE_USERNAME_MATCH and '@' in string:
parts = string.rsplit('@')
if len(parts) == 2:
uname, domain = parts
strings.append(re.sub('\.', '', uname))
strings.append(re.sub('\.', '', uname) + '@' + domain)
# Domain searches have too many false positives
# strings.append(parts[1])
# strings.append(parts[1].rsplit('.', 1)[0])
# The URL tokenizer strips file extensions. So if our search string
# has a file extension we should also search for a stripped version
if re.match(EXTENSION_RE, string):
strings.append(re.sub(EXTENSION_RE, '', string))
for string in strings:
self._precompute_pool[string] = (string,)
self._min_length = min([len(x) for x in list(self._precompute_pool)])
initial_items = list(self._precompute_pool.items())
if precompute_hashes:
for string, name in initial_items:
self._compute_hashes(string, self._hash_layers, name)
if precompute_encodings:
for string, name in initial_items:
self._compute_encodings(string, self._encoding_layers, name)
for value, encodings in self._precompute_pool.items():
self._precompute_pool_by_layer[len(encodings)][encodings] = value.encode('utf8')
# print('_precompute_pool', k, v)
def _split_on_delims(self, string, rv_parts, rv_named):
"""Splits a string on several delimiters"""
if string == '':
parts = set(re.split(DELIMITERS, string))
if '' in parts:
for part in parts:
if part == '':
count = part.count('=')
if count != 1:
if count == 0:
n, k = part.split('=', 1)
if len(n) > 0 and len(k) > 0:
rv_named.add((n, k))
if self._debugging:
if self._debugging:
print('RV PARTS: ', rv_parts)
def check_if_in_precompute_pool(self, string):
"""Returns a tuple that lists the (possibly layered) hashes or
encodings that result in input string
return self._precompute_pool[str(string)]
except KeyError:
if isinstance(string, bytes):
# print(self._precompute_pool[string.decode()])
return self._precompute_pool[string.decode()]
except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError, KeyError):
except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError, KeyError):
def check_for_leak(self, string, layers=1, prev_encodings=tuple(),
"""Check if given string contains a leak"""
# Short tokens won't contain email address
if len(string) < self._min_length:
if string in self._checked[prev_encodings]:
self._checked[prev_encodings].add(string) # add to already checked
if self._debugging:
if isinstance(string, bytes):
decoded_string = string.decode(errors="ignore")
print('Will search: %s (layer: %d) prev_encodings: %s'
% (decoded_string, layers, prev_encodings))
print('Will search: %s (layer: %d) prev_encodings: %s'
% (string, layers, prev_encodings))
if "cosic" in str(string) or "cosic" in string.decode():
print('SUSPICIOUS-(cosic): %s (layer: %d)' % (string, layers))
except Exception:
substr_results = self.substring_search(
string, max_layers=self._encoding_layers,
if substr_results:
# print(substr_results)
return substr_results[0]
# Check if direct hash or plaintext
rv = self.check_if_in_precompute_pool(string)
# print('result', rv)
if rv is not None:
return prev_encodings + rv
tokens = set()
parameters = set()
# don't split on the first layer
if layers == self._hash_layers:
tokens = set([string])
self._split_on_delims(string, tokens, parameters)
except Exception:
tokens = set([string])
tokens_union_params = tokens.union(parameters)
for item in tokens_union_params:
if len(item) == 2:
value = item[1]
value = item
# Try encodings
for encoding in self._encoding_set:
# multiple rots are unnecessary
if encoding.startswith('rot') and prev.startswith('rot'):
# decoded = self._decoder.decode(encoding, string)
decoded = self._decoder.decode(encoding, value)
if type(decoded) == int:
decoded = str(decoded)
except DecodeException: # incorrect decoding
if decoded == string: # don't add no-ops
if decoded is None: # Empty decodings aren't useful
encoding_stack = prev_encodings + (encoding,)
if layers > 1:
rv = self.check_for_leak(
decoded, layers-1, encoding_stack, encoding)
if rv is not None:
return rv
rv = self.check_if_in_precompute_pool(decoded)
if rv is not None:
return encoding_stack + rv
def _check_parts_for_leaks(self, tokens, parameters, nlayers):
# print('_check_parts_for_leaks', tokens, parameters)
"""Check token and parameter string parts for leaks"""
leaks = list()
for token in tokens:
# print('token', token)
leak = self.check_for_leak(token, layers=nlayers)
if leak is not None:
for name, value in parameters:
prev_encodings = tuple()
n_layers_param = nlayers
# these URL params already decoded by parse_qs
# decrement n_layers, and add to the the encoding stack
if type(value) is tuple and name == 'parse_qs' and len(value) == 2:
name = value[0]
value = value[1]
prev_encodings = ('urlencode',)
n_layers_param = nlayers - 1
leak = self.check_for_leak(
value, layers=n_layers_param,
if leak is not None:
leak = self.check_for_leak(
name, layers=n_layers_param,
if leak is not None:
# print(leaks)
return leaks
def _split_url(self, url):
"""Split url path and query string on delimiters"""
tokens = set()
parameters = set()
purl = urlparse(url)
except ValueError:
print("Can't parse url:", url)
return [], []
path_parts = purl.path.split('/')
for part in path_parts:
# TODO: consider removing this arbitrary exception for .com
if "." in part and not part.endswith('.com'):
part = re.sub(EXTENSION_RE, '', part)
self._split_on_delims(part, tokens, parameters)
self._split_on_delims(purl.query, tokens, parameters)
# parse URL parameters
for key, values in parse_qs(purl.query).items():
for value in values:
parameters.add(('parse_qs', (key, value)))
self._split_on_delims(purl.fragment, tokens, parameters)
return tokens, parameters
def check_url(self, url, encoding_layers=3, substring_search=True):
"""Check if a given url contains a leak"""
tokens, parameters = self._split_url(url)
self._checked = defaultdict(set) # reset the alreadt seen
if self._debugging:
print("URL tokens:")
for token in tokens:
print("\nURL parameters:")
for key, value in parameters:
print("Key: %s | Value: %s" % (key, value))
path = get_path_from_url(url)
return self._check_whole_and_parts_for_leaks(
path, tokens, parameters, encoding_layers, substring_search)
def _get_header_str(self, header_str, header_name):
"""Returns the header string parsed from `header_str`"""
for item in json.loads(header_str):
if item[0] == header_name:
return item[1]
return ""
def _split_cookie(self, cookie_str):
"""Returns all parsed parts of the cookie names and values"""
tokens = set()
parameters = set()
cookies = ck.SimpleCookie()
except ck.CookieError:
return tokens, parameters # return empty sets
for cookie in cookies.values():
self._split_on_delims(cookie.key, tokens, parameters)
self._split_on_delims(cookie.value, tokens, parameters)
return tokens, parameters
def get_location_str(self, header_str):
return self._get_header_str(header_str, "Location")
def get_referrer_str(self, header_str):
return self._get_header_str(header_str, "Referer")
def get_cookie_str(self, header_str, from_request=True):
if not header_str:
return ""
if from_request:
header_name = 'Cookie'
header_name = 'Set-Cookie'
return self._get_header_str(header_str, header_name)
def check_cookies(self, header_str, encoding_layers=3,
from_request=True, substring_search=True):
"""Check the cookies portion of the header string for leaks"""
cookie_str = self.get_cookie_str(header_str, from_request)
if not cookie_str:
return list()
tokens, parameters = self._split_cookie(header_str, from_request=from_request)
self._checked = defaultdict(set)
return self._check_whole_and_parts_for_leaks(
cookie_str, tokens, parameters, encoding_layers, substring_search)
def check_cookie_str(self, cookie_str, encoding_layers=3, substring_search=True):
"""Check the cookie (either request or response) string for leaks"""
if not cookie_str:
return list()
tokens, parameters = self._split_cookie(cookie_str)
self._checked = defaultdict(set)
return self._check_whole_and_parts_for_leaks(
cookie_str, tokens, parameters, encoding_layers, substring_search)
def check_location_header(self, location_str, encoding_layers=3,
"""Check the Location HTTP response header for leaks."""
if location_str == '':
return list()
tokens, parameters = self._split_url(location_str)
self._checked = defaultdict(set)
return self._check_whole_and_parts_for_leaks(
location_str, tokens, parameters, encoding_layers,
def check_post_data(self, post_str, encoding_layers=3,
"""Check the Location HTTP response header for leaks."""
if post_str == '':
return list()
tokens, parameters = self._split_url(post_str)
self._checked = defaultdict(set)
self._split_on_delims(post_str, tokens, parameters)
# tokens, parameters = self._split_cookie(post_str, from_request=False)
return self._check_whole_and_parts_for_leaks(
post_str, tokens, parameters, encoding_layers, substring_search)
def check_referrer_header(self, header_str, encoding_layers=3,
"""Check the Referer HTTP request header for leaks."""
if header_str == '':
return list()
referrer_str = self.get_referrer_str(header_str)
if not referrer_str:
return list()
tokens, parameters = self._split_url(referrer_str)
self._checked = defaultdict(set)
return self._check_whole_and_parts_for_leaks(
referrer_str, tokens, parameters, encoding_layers,
def check_referrer_str(self, referrer_str, encoding_layers=3,
"""Check the Referer HTTP request header for leaks."""
if not referrer_str:
return list()
tokens, parameters = self._split_url(referrer_str)
self._checked = defaultdict(set)
return self._check_whole_and_parts_for_leaks(
referrer_str, tokens, parameters, encoding_layers,
def _check_whole_and_parts_for_leaks(self, input_string, tokens,
parameters, encoding_layers,
"""Search an input string and its parts for leaks."""
# print('_check_whole_and_parts_for_leaks', input_string, tokens, parameters)
results = self._check_parts_for_leaks(tokens, parameters,
if substring_search:
# print('input_string', input_string)
substr_results = self.substring_search(input_string, max_layers=2)
# filter repeating results
# print(results)
# print(substr_results)
return list(set(results + substr_results))
return results
def substring_search(self, input_string, max_layers=None, prev_encodings=tuple()):
"""Do a substring search for all precomputed hashes/encodings
`max_layers` limits the number of encoding/hashing layers used in the
substring search (to limit time). The default is no limit (`None`).
if input_string is None or input_string == '':
return list()
if not isinstance(input_string, bytes):
input_string = input_string.encode('utf8')
except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError):
return list()
leaks = list()
n_prev_encodings = len(prev_encodings)
# max - 1
n_max_precomp_layer = max_layers - n_prev_encodings
for n_precomp_layer in range(1, n_max_precomp_layer + 1):
_precompute_pool = self._precompute_pool_by_layer[n_precomp_layer]
for transform_stack, string in _precompute_pool.items():
if string in input_string:
leaks.append(prev_encodings + transform_stack)
return leaks
def detect_for_debug():
PWD = 'mypwd111111111111'
EMAIL = ''
EMAIL2 = ''
leak_detector = LeakDetector(
# mmh2_32 false positive
# SHOULD_NOT_FIND_URL = "*ecbcmc*_ga*MTk4MzEzMzQyOS4xNjIyMzI1MzEz*_ga_PEMJHV10HE*MTYyMjMyNTMxMy4xLjAuMTYyMjMyNTMxMy4w%26_ga%3D2.16593790.911772428.1622325313-1983133429.1622325313&"
post_leaks = ""
# URL = ""
# URL = ""
URL = ""
URL2 = "[buttonFeatures]={'classList':"",'destination':'','id':"",'imageUrl':"",'innerText':'Privacy notice','numChildButtons':0,'tag':'a','name':""}&cd[buttonText]=Privacy notice&cd[formFeatures]=[]&cd[pageFeatures]={'title':'Log in'}&cd[parameters]=[]&sw=1920&sh=1080&udff[em]=e4920de3704773fb3a5fc884b548e110f930a5b7d17b6b97eb87bba74e6d696d&v=2.9.57&r=stable&a=tmgoogletagmanager&ec=2&o=2078&it=1649146999513&coo=false&es=automatic&tm=3&exp=p0&rqm=GET"
POST_DATA = "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"
for __ in range(1):
post_leaks = leak_detector.check_post_data(POST_DATA, encoding_layers=3)
url_leaks = leak_detector.check_url(URL2, encoding_layers=3)
if len(post_leaks) or len(url_leaks):
print(post_leaks, url_leaks)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# For debugging only
cProfile.runctx('detect_for_debug()', globals(), locals(), sort='time')
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