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Last active November 1, 2017 13:53
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First Search Program
# ----------
# User Instructions:
# Define a function, search() that returns a list
# in the form of [optimal path length, row, col]. For
# the grid shown below, your function should output
# [11, 4, 5].
# If there is no valid path from the start point
# to the goal, your function should return the string
# 'fail'
# ----------
# Grid format:
# 0 = Navigable space
# 1 = Occupied space
grid = [[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]]
init = [0, 0]
goal = [len(grid)-1, len(grid[0])-1]
cost = 1
delta = [[-1, 0], # go up
[ 0,-1], # go left
[ 1, 0], # go down
[ 0, 1]] # go right
delta_name = ['^', '<', 'v', '>']
def remove_gval(gVal_and_coords):
return [gVal_and_coords[1], gVal_and_coords[2]]
def move(currentCell, movement):
return [currentCell[0] + movement[0], currentCell[1] + movement[1]]
def isOpenCell(x, y, grid=grid):
max_y = len(grid)
max_x = len(grid[0])
#print(str(max_y) + " x " + str(max_x) + " grid")
isInsideGrid = (x >= 0 and x <=max_y - 1) and (y >= 0 and y <= max_x -1)
#print(str(x) + "," + str(y))
#print("isInsideGrid: " + str(isInsideGrid))
if(isInsideGrid == False):
return False
isBlocked = grid[x][y] == 1
#print("isBlocked: " + str(isBlocked))
return isBlocked == False
def getNeighbors(cell, delta=delta):
possibleNeighbors = [move(cell, m) for m in delta]
validNeighbors = [x for x in possibleNeighbors if isOpenCell(x[0], x[1])]
return validNeighbors
def search(grid,init,goal,cost, g_val = 0):
# ----------------------------------------
# insert code here
# ----------------------------------------
open = [[g_val, init[0], init[1]]]
#print("initial open list:")
expanded = []
while True:
sortedItems = sorted(open, key=lambda open:open[0])
if not sortedItems:
return "fail"
itemToExpand = sortedItems.pop(0)
itemToExpandCoord = remove_gval(itemToExpand)
if itemToExpandCoord == goal:
return itemToExpand
#print("take list item")
neighbors = getNeighbors([itemToExpand[1], itemToExpand[2]])
valid_neighbors = [n for n in neighbors if n not in expanded]
for vn in valid_neighbors:
g_val += 1
for n in valid_neighbors:
sortedItems.append([itemToExpand[0]+1, n[0], n[1]])
#print("new open list")
open = sortedItems
#return path
result = search(grid, init, goal, cost)
assert isOpenCell(-1,0,grid) == False, 'NOT Inside'
assert isOpenCell(0,-1,grid) == False, 'NOT Inside'
assert isOpenCell(0,0,grid) == True, 'Inside'
assert isOpenCell(0,5,grid) == True, 'Inside'
assert isOpenCell(6,0,grid) == False, 'NOT Inside'
assert isOpenCell(0,4,grid) == True, 'Inside'
assert isOpenCell(0,2,grid) == False, 'NOT Open (BLOCKED)'
assert isOpenCell(1,2,grid) == False, 'NOT Open (BLOCKED)'
assert isOpenCell(2,4,grid) == False, 'NOT Open (BLOCKED)'
assert isOpenCell(3,2,grid) == False, 'NOT Open (BLOCKED)'
assert isOpenCell(3,3,grid) == False, 'NOT Open (BLOCKED)'
assert isOpenCell(3,4,grid) == False, 'NOT Open (BLOCKED)'
assert isOpenCell(4,4,grid) == False, 'NOT Open (BLOCKED)'
assert isOpenCell(4,5,grid) == True, 'Open'
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