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Last active August 27, 2023 03:03
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Gen2 calibration model analysis (work in progress)
def reproject_axis_gen2_corr(X, Y, Z, plane, cal):
"""Reprojection function for predicting an angle from sensor pose in lighthouse frame"""
# Angle in the X-Z plane (about the +Y axis) sweeping counter-clockwise from +X
ccwAngleAboutY = np.arctan2(Z, X)
# Distances between sensor and origin
B = np.sqrt(X * X + Z * Z) # L2 norm of (sensor - origin) in X-Z plane
C = np.sqrt(X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z) # L2 norm of (sensor - origin)
# Tilt angle of the laser plane with respect to motor shaft, nominally 30 degrees
planeTiltAngle = cal["tilt"] + (-1 if plane else 1) * np.pi / 6.
# Viewed from any direction around the lighthouse looking directly along tyhe:
# ------------------------------------------------
# This is a rotating coordinate frame defined by the lighthouse Y axis, the optical
# axis of the laser (90 degrees to the motor shaft) and its cross product (axis W).
# +Y
# (@)__A__|
# \ | Angle * = "planeTiltAngle"
# \ |
# R \ | Y/R = sin(*) "how much do I move along A as I move along R"
# \ | A/R = cos(*) "how much do I move along Y as I move along R"
# \*| A/Y = tan(*) "how much do I move along A as I move along Y"
# \|
# +W <----+ <------------ this is the optical axis of the laser
# | \
# | \ <-------- laser plane
# | \
A_over_R = np.sin(planeTiltAngle)
Y_over_R = np.cos(planeTiltAngle)
A_over_Y = np.tan(planeTiltAngle)
# For a given Y coordinate, work out how much we'd need to be along A. Intuitively, A is the
# distance from the Y axis introduced by the fact that the plane is tilted with respect to Y.
A = A_over_Y * Y
# Viewed from above the lighthouse:
# ---------------------------------
# Now that we know how far along A we've moved we can calculate the sweep angle error (#) as
# B/A = sin(#), which reflects the delta introducted by the plane. In an ideal setting without
# fabrication errors, we could return the sweep angle as ccwAngleAboutY - np.sin(A/B).
# +X
# |
# |
# (@) | B = np.sqrt(X * X + Z * Z)
# A, ' \ |
# , ` 90 \ B | A/B = sin(#) "sweep angle error added by tilt"
# +W ', \ |
# '., \*|
# '-,# \|
# +Z <---------------------+ optical center
A_over_B = A / B
# For convenience, let's create a new value here to capture the tilt-compensated angle
tiltCorrectedCcwAngleAboutY = ccwAngleAboutY - np.arcsin(A_over_B)
# R is the distance from the sensor to the optical axis in the X-W plane, which is a
# frame that continually rotates about the lighthouse
R = Y / Y_over_R
# A laser plane is interesting because unlike typical lens correction, which happens in
# a 2D image plane, this happens in 1D. So all that matters is deviation from the optical
# axis in 1D within the laser plane -- the further you move from the optical axis in the
# laser's plane, the more lens distortion you'd suffer. One neat thing about the 1D nature
# of the problem is that you need not model distortion as euclidean distance from the
# optical axis; you can just model it directly on the angle from the optical axis, which
# is proportional to the horizontal distance moved away from the optical axis :)
# (@) sin(*) = R / C
# /| "how much we've deviated from the optical axis"
# C / |
# / | R
# / * |
# optical center +--------------> +W laser optical axis
angleFromOpticalCenterOfLens = np.arcsin(R / C)
# I don't exactly understand what this error is about, but it looks to be very similar to
# the mechanical error model. This suggests that there is some periodic component to the
# lens curvature that is a function of the motor spinning. My only guess is that the lens
# warps slightly as it rotates because of centripetal forces, and this correct for that.
# x' = x + a sin (x + b)
# | +-----+-----+
# + |
# curve at zero |
# |
# +
# Fourier correction
centripetalCompensatedBaseCurvature = cal["curve"] + cal["ogeemag"] * np.sin(
tiltCorrectedCcwAngleAboutY + cal["ogeephase"])
# This is a 5th order polynomial expression that corrects for lens distortion, but in stead
# of describing an error in distance from optical axis, it describes an error as a multiple
# of the base curvature of the lens. Something like final_curvature = f(x) * base_curvature.
# The polynomial function looks something like the graph below. Domain is [-pi/2, +pi/2].
# | 4| | f(x) = a[0]x^5 + a[1]x^4 + a[2]x^3 + a[3]x^2 + a[4]x^1 + a[5]
# \ | /
# \ 2| /
# `-.__|__.-'
#---------------+-------------> +x
# -pi -2 0 +2 +pi
a = [-8.0108022e-06, 0.0028679863, 5.3685255000000001e-06, 0.0076069798000000001, 0, 0]
d = 0 # this ends up being f'(x)
b = a[0] # this ends up being f(x)
for i in range(1, 6): # note: this is different from libsurvive!
d = d * angleFromOpticalCenterOfLens + b
b = b * angleFromOpticalCenterOfLens + a[i]
# To make this easier, lets just multiply to get the curvature and its first derivative.
lensCurvature = b * centripetalCompensatedBaseCurvature
lensCurvatureFirstDerivative = d * centripetalCompensatedBaseCurvature
# Here is where we put all the lens correction terms together.
# A lensCurvature
# asin ( - + --------------------------------------------- )
# B Y / R - lensCurvatureFirstDerivative * A / R
# The dividend represents the deviation along A, which if course depends on how far you
# have shifted from the laser optical axis. The divisor itself must therefore represent
# the deviation in B for this model to resolve. I don't understand why this is the case.
ccwLensCorrectedAngleAboutY = ccwAngleAboutY - np.arcsin(
A_over_B + lensCurvature / (Y_over_R - lensCurvatureFirstDerivative * A_over_R))
# Now that we have a tilt and lens-corrected angle we have to shift it by a small amount to
# compensate for mechanical vibration and lens mounting errors. We use a fourier term here
# that captures periodic error. In other words this error term repeats every 2pi, or one
# rotation about Y. Ultimately, it models the fact that the trajectory taken by the lens on
# an imperfect, imbalanced motorized system deviates from a perfect circle.
# x' = x + a sin (x + b) + c
# | +-----+-----+ |
# + | +--- Phase offset from zero. This is always 0 for axis = 0
# raw angle | because that axis defines the start of the sweep. Axis
# | 1 has a small fabrication error around the motor spindle
# + that phase advances or delays with respect to X, and this
# Fourier correction term corrects for that.
ccwMotorAndLensAndTiltCorrectedAngleAboutY = ccwLensCorrectedAngleAboutY + np.sin(
ccwLensCorrectedAngleAboutY + cal["gibpha"]) * cal["gibmag"] - cal["phase"]
# Shift the angle clockwise 90 degree to be described with respect to +Z, and not +X
return ccwMotorAndLensAndTiltCorrectedAngleAboutY - np.pi / 2
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