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Last active February 22, 2017 06:32
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Assignment #1 Functional Programming in Erlang
-export([bits/1, bitsNoTailRecursion/1, startTests/0]).
%% Functional Programming in Erlang
%% Kent University
%% 21 February 2017
%% Exercise 1 : Summing the Bits
%% Convert String of Binary representation to List of Strings
%% (String) -> List(String)
%% Ex. "1101" -> ["1", "1", "0", "1"]
%% Limitations : "string:substr(S, 2, 10000)" is very lazy. It assumes no input over 10000 characters
%% This conversion is quite convoluted. Surely there is a better way to do this
%% Note:
%% stringToList(string:substr(S, 2, 10000), Xs ++ [string:substr(S, 1, 1)])
%% Will take the input string S, take off the first letter, append it to the output list and call itself
%% (S = "hello", Xs = []) -> (S = "ello", Xs = ["h"]) -> (S = "llo", Xs = ["h", "e"]) -> etc
%% In this case, however, all digits will be "1" or "0" as all inputs only contain combinations of 1's and 0's
stringToList(S) ->
stringToList(S, []).
stringToList("", X) ->
stringToList(S, []) ->
stringToList(string:substr(S, 2, 10000), [string:substr(S, 1, 1)]);
stringToList(S, Xs) ->
stringToList(string:substr(S, 2, 10000), Xs ++ [string:substr(S, 1, 1)]).
%% Sum the number of Binary 1's for a given base 10 integer
%% (Integer) -> Integer
%% This Method with Tail Recursion (which is usually preferred as it is faster and easier on memory)
%% Ex. 7 -> 3 (0111)
%% Note:
%% integer_to_list(9, 2) -> "1001"
%% stringToList("111") -> ["1", "0", "0", "1"]
bits(X) ->
sumOfBits(stringToList(integer_to_list(X, 2))).
sumOfBits([X|Xs]) ->
sumOfBits([X|Xs], 0).
sumOfBits([], S) ->
sumOfBits([X|Xs], S) ->
case X == "1" of %% stringToList ensures results come back as "1" in string format
true ->
sumOfBits(Xs, S + 1);
false ->
sumOfBits(Xs, S)
%% Sum the number of Binary 1's for a given base 10 integer
%% (Integer) -> Integer
%% Solution without Tail Recursion
%% Ex. 3 -> 2 (011)
%% Note:
%% integer_to_list(9, 2) -> "1001"
%% stringToList("111") -> ["1", "0", "0", "1"]
bitsNoTailRecursion(X) ->
sumOfBitsR(stringToList(integer_to_list(X, 2))).
sumOfBitsR([]) ->
sumOfBitsR([X|Xs]) ->
case X == "1" of %% stringToList ensures results come back as "1" in string format
true ->
1 + sumOfBitsR(Xs);
false ->
%% Tests
startTests() ->
%% Functions using tail recursion
io:fwrite("Should be 3 (input 7) : ~w\n", [bits:bits(7)]),
io:fwrite("Should be 1 (input 1) : ~w\n", [bits:bits(1)]),
io:fwrite("Should be 2 (input 3) : ~w\n", [bits:bits(3)]),
io:fwrite("Should be 1 (input 8) : ~w\n", [bits:bits(8)]),
io:fwrite("Should be 1 (input 64) : ~w\n", [bits:bits(64)]),
%% Functions without tail recursion
io:fwrite("Should be 3 (input 7) : ~w\n", [bits:bitsNoTailRecursion(7)]),
io:fwrite("Should be 1 (input 1) : ~w\n", [bits:bitsNoTailRecursion(1)]),
io:fwrite("Should be 2 (input 3) : ~w\n", [bits:bitsNoTailRecursion(3)]),
io:fwrite("Should be 1 (input 8) : ~w\n", [bits:bitsNoTailRecursion(8)]),
io:fwrite("Should be 1 (input 64) : ~w\n", [bits:bitsNoTailRecursion(64)]).
%% OUPUT of startTests()
%% 211> bits:startTests()
%% 211> .
%% Should be 3 (input 7) : 3
%% Should be 1 (input 1) : 1
%% Should be 2 (input 3) : 2
%% Should be 1 (input 8) : 1
%% Should be 1 (input 64) : 1
%% Should be 3 (input 7) : 3
%% Should be 1 (input 1) : 1
%% Should be 2 (input 3) : 2
%% Should be 1 (input 8) : 1
%% Should be 1 (input 64) : 1
-export([perimeter/1, area/1, enclose/1, startTests/0]).
% For Functional Programming in Erlang
% Kent University
% 21 February 2017
%% Triangle Inequality Theorem defines valid Triangles
validTriangle({A, B, C}) when A + B > C, B + C > A, A + C > B ->
validTriangle({_A, _B, _C}) ->
%% Perimeter Formula for Square, Rectangle, Circle and Triangle
perimeter({square, X}) when is_integer(X) or is_float(X) ->
{ok, X * 4};
perimeter({rectangle, X, Y}) when (is_integer(X) or is_float(X)) and (is_integer(Y) or is_float(Y)) ->
{ok, X * 2 + Y * 2};
perimeter({circle, R}) when is_integer(R) or is_float(R) ->
{ok, 2 * math:pi() * R};
perimeter({triangle, A, B, C}) ->
case validTriangle({A, B, C}) of
true ->
{ok, A + B + C};
false ->
{error, -1}
%% Area Formula for Square, Rectangle, Circle and Triangle
area({square, X}) when is_integer(X) or is_float(X) ->
{ok, X * X};
area({rectangle, X, Y}) when (is_integer(X) or is_float(X)) and (is_integer(Y) or is_float(Y)) ->
{ok, X * Y};
area({circle, R}) when is_integer(R) or is_float(R) ->
{ok, math:pi() * R * R};
area({triangle, A, B, C}) -> %% validTriangle/3 will guard against non number inputs
case validTriangle({A, B, C}) of
true -> %% See Heron's Formula. This is valid for all triangle types
S = (A+B+C)/2,
{ok, math:sqrt(S*(S-A)*(S-B)*(S-C))};
false ->
{error, -1}
%% Enclosing Box Formula for Square, Rectangle, Circle and Triangle
enclose({square, X}) when is_integer(X) or is_float(X) ->
{ok, {0, 0}, {0, X}, {X, 0}, {X, X}};
enclose({rectangle, X, Y}) ->
{ok, {0, 0}, {0, X}, {Y, 0}, {Y,X}};
enclose({circle, R}) when is_integer(R) or is_float(R) ->
{ok, {0, 0}, {0, 2 * R}, {2 * R, 0}, {2 * R, 2 * R}};
enclose({triangle, A, B, C}) -> %% validTriangle/3 will guard against non number inputs
case validTriangle({A, B, C}) of
true ->
S = (A+B+C)/2, %% Heron's formula also yields triangle height given dimensions
H = (2/C) * math:sqrt(S*(S-A)*(S-B)*(S-C)),
{ok, {0, 0}, {0, H}, {C, 0}, {C, H}};
false ->
{error, -1}
{ok, R} = OUTPUT,
io:fwrite("~s should be \t\t ~w -> ~w\n", [TESTNAME, EXPECTED, R]).
{ok, A, B, C, D} = OUTPUT,
io:fwrite("~s should be \t\t ~w -> ~w,~w,~w,~w\n", [TESTNAME, EXPECTED, A, B, C, D]).
startTests() ->
%% Perimeter Tests
printTest("Perimeter : Square : Integer ", 8, perimeter({square, 2})),
printTest("Perimeter : Square : Float", 16.0, perimeter({square, 4.0})),
printTest("Perimeter : Rectangle : Integer ", 14, perimeter({rectangle, 3, 4})),
printTest("Perimeter : Rectangle : Float", 20.0, perimeter({rectangle, 9.0, 1.0})),
printTest("Perimeter : Circle : Integer ", 2 * math:pi()*10, perimeter({circle, 10})),
printTest("Perimeter : Circle : Float", 2 * math:pi()*20.0, perimeter({circle, 20.0})),
printTest("Perimeter : Triangle : Integer ", 31, perimeter({triangle, 15, 9, 7})),
printTest("Perimeter : Triangle : Float ", 31.0, perimeter({triangle, 15.0, 9.0, 7.0})),
%% Area Test
printTest("Area : Square : Integer ", 4, area({square, 2})),
printTest("Area : Square : Float", 25.0, area({square, 5.0})),
printTest("Area : Rectangle : Integer ", 12, area({rectangle, 3, 4})),
printTest("Area : Rectangle : Float", 9.0, area({rectangle, 9.0, 1.0})),
printTest("Area : Circle : Integer ", math:pi()*10*10, area({circle, 10})),
printTest("Area : Circle : Float", math:pi()*20.0*20.0, area({circle, 20.0})),
printTest("Area : Triangle : Integer ", 20.69269194667528, area({triangle, 15, 9, 7})),
printTest("Area : Triangle : Float ", 20.69269194667528, area({triangle, 15.0, 9.0, 7.0})),
%% Enclosing Square Test
printTest("Enclosing Square : Square : Integer ", '{0,0},{0,2},{2,0},{2,2}', enclose({square, 2}), "Enclosing"),
printTest("Enclosing Square : Square : Float", '{0,0},{0,5.0},{5.0,0},{5.0,5.0}', enclose({square, 5.0}), "Enclosing"),
printTest("Enclosing Square : Rectangle : Integer ", '{0,0},{0,3},{4,0},{4,3}', enclose({rectangle, 3, 4}), "Enclosing"),
printTest("Enclosing Square : Rectangle : Float", '{0,0},{0,9.0},{1.0,0},{1.0,9.0}', enclose({rectangle, 9.0, 1.0}), "Enclosing"),
printTest("Enclosing Square : Circle : Integer ", '{0,0},{0,20},{20,0},{20,20}', enclose({circle, 10}), "Enclosing"),
printTest("Enclosing Square : Circle : Float", '{0,0},{0,40.0},{40.0,0},{40.0,40.0}', enclose({circle, 20.0}), "Enclosing"),
printTest("Enclosing Square : Triangle : Integer ", '{0,0},{0,5.912197699050079},{7,0},{7,5.912197699050079}', enclose({triangle, 15, 9, 7}), "Enclosing"),
printTest("Enclosing Square : Triangle : Float ", '{0,0},{0,5.912197699050079},{7,0},{7,5.912197699050079}', enclose({triangle, 15.0, 9.0, 7.0}), "Enclosing").
%% 197> shapes:startTests().
%% Perimeter : Square : Integer should be 8 -> 8
%% Perimeter : Square : Float should be 16.0 -> 16.0
%% Perimeter : Rectangle : Integer should be 14 -> 14
%% Perimeter : Rectangle : Float should be 20.0 -> 20.0
%% Perimeter : Circle : Integer should be 62.83185307179586 -> 62.83185307179586
%% Perimeter : Circle : Float should be 125.66370614359172 -> 125.66370614359172
%% Perimeter : Triangle : Integer should be 15 -> 31
%% Perimeter : Triangle : Float should be 15.0 -> 31.0
%% Area : Square : Integer should be 4 -> 4
%% Area : Square : Float should be 25.0 -> 25.0
%% Area : Rectangle : Integer should be 12 -> 12
%% Area : Rectangle : Float should be 9.0 -> 9.0
%% Area : Circle : Integer should be 314.1592653589793 -> 314.1592653589793
%% Area : Circle : Float should be 1256.6370614359173 -> 1256.6370614359173
%% Area : Triangle : Integer should be 20.69269194667528 -> 20.69269194667528
%% Area : Triangle : Float should be 20.69269194667528 -> 20.69269194667528
%% Enclosing Square : Square : Integer should be '{0,0},{0,2},{2,0},{2,2}' -> {0,0},{0,2},{2,0},{2,2}
%% Enclosing Square : Square : Float should be '{0,0},{0,5.0},{5.0,0},{5.0,5.0}' -> {0,0},{0,5.0},{5.0,0},{5.0,5.0}
%% Enclosing Square : Rectangle : Integer should be '{0,0},{0,3},{4,0},{4,3}' -> {0,0},{0,3},{4,0},{4,3}
%% Enclosing Square : Rectangle : Float should be '{0,0},{0,9.0},{1.0,0},{1.0,9.0}' -> {0,0},{0,9.0},{1.0,0},{1.0,9.0}
%% Enclosing Square : Circle : Integer should be '{0,0},{0,20},{20,0},{20,20}' -> {0,0},{0,20},{20,0},{20,20}
%% Enclosing Square : Circle : Float should be '{0,0},{0,40.0},{40.0,0},{40.0,40.0}' -> {0,0},{0,40.0},{40.0,0},{40.0,40.0}
%% Enclosing Square : Triangle : Integer should be '{0,0},{0,5.912197699050079},{7,0},{7,5.912197699050079}' -> {0,0},{0,5.912197699050079},{7,0},{7,5.912197699050079}
%% Enclosing Square : Triangle : Float should be '{0,0},{0,5.912197699050079},{7,0},{7,5.912197699050079}' -> {0,0},{0,5.912197699050079},{7.0,0},{7.0,5.912197699050079}
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