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Last active September 7, 2017 10:05
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Timed type class + implicit derivation to Order type class via Natural Transformation
import java.time.Instant
import shapeless._
import simulacrum._
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.concurrent.duration._
trait Timed[A] {
def getInstant(a: A): Instant
def setInstant(a: A, instant: Instant): A
@op(">>") def shift(a: A, duration: Duration): A = setInstant(a, getInstant(a).plusMillis(duration.toMillis))
@op("<<") def reverseShift(a: A, duration: Duration): A = setInstant(a, getInstant(a).minusMillis(duration.toMillis))
def distance(a: A, b: A): FiniteDuration = Math.abs(getInstant(a).toEpochMilli - getInstant(b).toEpochMilli).millis
object Timed {
import Timed.ops._
implicit val timedForInstant = new Timed[Instant] {
def getInstant(a: Instant): Instant = a
def setInstant(a: Instant, instant: Instant): Instant = instant
// HList's head must be Timed
implicit def timedForHlist[H: Timed, T <: HList]: Timed[H :: T] = new Timed[H :: T] {
def getInstant(a: H :: T): Instant = a.head.getInstant
def setInstant(a: H :: T, instant: Instant): H :: T = a match {
case head :: tail => head.setInstant(instant) :: tail
implicit def timedForGeneric[A, Repr <: HList](implicit gen: Generic.Aux[A, Repr], timed: Timed[Repr]): Timed[A] =
new Timed[A] {
def getInstant(a: A): Instant =
def setInstant(a: A, instant: Instant): A = gen.from(
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