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Created May 4, 2012 01:08
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A quick and dirty prototype object system in Racket.
#lang racket
(require test-engine/racket-tests)
;; an object is...
; a list of...
; a list in which...
; the 1st item is a symbol, the slot name
; the 2nd item is the value of the slot, which could be anything
;; The root object.
(define Object `((type Object)))
;; get : object symbol -> any
; Returns the value of the slot in the given object identified by the symbol. If
; the object doesn't have the slot, it recursively checks the prototype, until
; it runs out of objects.
(define (get object slot)
(let ([x (assoc slot object)])
[x (cadr x)]
[(assoc '__proto__ object)
(get (get object '__proto__) slot)]
[else #f])))
(define -> get)
(check-expect (->
'((wheels 4) (__proto__ ((type Object))) (type Car)) 'wheels)
(check-expect (->
'((wheels 4) (__proto__ ((type Object))) (type Car)) 'type)
(check-expect (->
'((__proto__ ((wheels 4)
(__proto__ ((type Object))) (type Car)))
(type Awesome))
;; set : object symbol any -> object
; Sets the value at the slot in the object.
(define (set object slot value)
(let ([x (assoc slot object)])
(if x
(map {λ (object-item)
(if (equal? slot (car object-item))
(list slot value)
(cons (list slot value) object))))
(define ->= set)
(check-expect (->= empty 'x 4) '((x 4)))
(check-expect (->= empty 'asdf "This is a test") '((asdf "This is a test")))
(check-expect (->= '((asdf "This is a test")) 'asdf 5) '((asdf 5)))
;; new : object -> object
; Instantiates an object from the given object.
(define (new object)
(set empty '__proto__ object))
(check-expect (new Object) '((__proto__ ((type Object)))))
(check-expect (new Car) '((__proto__
((wheels 4) (type Car)
(__proto__ ((type Object)))))))
;; clone : object symbol
; Creates a new top level object inheriting from the given object with the type
; specified by the given symbol
(define (clone object new-type)
(set (new object) 'type new-type))
(check-expect (clone Object 'Test) '((type Test)
(__proto__ ((type Object)))))
(check-expect (clone (clone Object 'Test) 'Awesome)
'((type Awesome)
(__proto__ ((type Test)
(__proto__ ((type Object)))))))
(define Car (set (clone Object 'Car) 'wheels 4))
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