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Created May 15, 2018 12:58
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OCaml versions of an "unscientific benchmark" treap; first one translated from the Rust version, and the second more idiomatic OCaml in a functional style. See:
(* Translated from Rust version at *)
type nodecell = node option
and node =
{ x: int;
y: int;
mutable left: nodecell;
mutable right: nodecell }
module Node = struct
let create x =
{ x;
y = Random.bits ();
left = None;
right = None }
let rec merge lower greater =
match lower,greater with
| None, greater -> greater
| lower, None -> lower
| Some lower_node, Some greater_node ->
if lower_node.y < greater_node.y then begin
lower_node.right <- merge lower_node.right greater;
end else begin
greater_node.left <- merge lower greater_node.left;
let rec split_binary orig value =
match orig with
| Some orig_node ->
if orig_node.x < value then begin
let split_pair = split_binary orig_node.right value in
orig_node.right <- fst split_pair;
orig, snd split_pair
end else begin
let split_pair = split_binary orig_node.left value in
orig_node.left <- snd split_pair;
fst split_pair, orig
| None -> None, None
let merge3 lower equal greater =
merge (merge lower equal) greater
type split_result =
{ lower: nodecell;
equal: nodecell;
greater: nodecell }
let split orig value =
let lower, equal_greater = split_binary orig value in
let equal, greater = split_binary equal_greater (value+1) in
{ lower; equal; greater }
module Tree = struct
type t = nodecell
let create () = ref None
let has_value self x =
let splited = split !self x in
self := merge3 splited.lower splited.equal splited.greater;
if splited.equal = None then false else true
let insert self x =
let splited = split !self x in
self := merge3
(if splited.equal = None then Some (Node.create x) else splited.equal)
let erase self x =
let splited = split !self x in
self := merge splited.lower splited.greater
let () =
Random.init 5;
let tree = Tree.create () in
let cur = ref 5 in
let res = ref 0 in
for i = 1 to 1_000_000 do
cur := (!cur * 57 + 43) mod 10007;
match i mod 3 with
| 0 -> Tree.insert tree !cur
| 1 -> Tree.erase tree !cur
| 2 -> if Tree.has_value tree !cur then incr res
| _ -> failwith "Invalid command number (be sure the modulus matches the number of 'commands' handled)."
print_int !res
(* This version implements a persistent treap: instead of using mutable "pointers", new values are returned. It's less awkward than *)
type node = { x: int; y: int; left: node option; right: node option }
let newnode x = { x; y = Random.bits (); left = None; right = None }
let rec merge lower greater =
match lower,greater with
| None, greater -> greater
| lower, None -> lower
| Some lower_node, Some greater_node ->
if lower_node.y < greater_node.y then
Some { lower_node with right = merge lower_node.right greater }
Some { greater_node with left = merge lower greater_node.left }
let split_binary orig value =
let rec split = function
| Some node ->
if node.x < value then
let a,b = split node.right in
Some {node with right = a}, b
let a,b = split node.left in
a, Some {node with left = b}
| None -> None, None
split orig
let merge3 lower equal greater =
merge (merge lower equal) greater
type split_result = { lower: node option; equal: node option; greater: node option }
let split orig value =
let lower, equal_greater = split_binary orig value in
let equal, greater = split_binary equal_greater (value+1) in
{ lower; equal; greater }
module Tree = struct
type t = node option
let empty : t = None
let has_value self x =
let splited = split self x in
if splited.equal = None then false else true
let insert self x =
let splited = split self x in
(if splited.equal = None then Some (newnode x) else splited.equal)
let erase self x =
let splited = split self x in
merge splited.lower splited.greater
let () =
Random.init 5;
let rec loop tree cur res i =
if i >= 1_000_000 then res
else begin
let cur = (cur * 57 + 43) mod 10007 in
let tree,res =
match i mod 3 with
| 0 -> Tree.insert tree cur, res
| 1 -> Tree.erase tree cur, res
| 2 -> tree, if Tree.has_value tree cur then res+1 else res
| _ -> failwith "Invalid command number (be sure the modulus matches the number of 'commands' handled)."
in loop tree cur res (i+1)
let res = loop Tree.empty 5 0 1 in
print_int res
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