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Created April 4, 2013 13:41
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  • Save atbradley/5310420 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save atbradley/5310420 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Depicts changing US unemployment rates as a video (mp4) choropleth.
#Warning: Messy code.
#(It's been repurposed a few times.)
plotData <- function(date) {
und <- c(unemp[unemp$Date==date, -1])
und <- und[order(names(und))]
und <- t(
und <- data.frame(State=rownames(und), Unemployment=und[,1])
und <- join(und, state.abbr)
makePlot <- function(month) {
und <- plotData(month)
states.w <- subset(states, region %in% und$region)
year <- sub('(\\d{4})-.+', "\\1", month)
monthnum <- sub(".+-(\\d{2})-.+", "\\1", month)
monthnum <- as.integer(monthnum)
monthname <- monthnames[monthnum]
title <- paste(year, monthname, sep=", ")
ggplot(und, aes(map_id = region)) + map_theme +
geom_map(aes(fill = Unemployment), map = states.w) +
scale_fill_continuous(limits=lmts, high="#b50900", low="#fcdad9") +
expand_limits(x = states.w$long, y = states.w$lat) +
colour="white",linetype='solid', lwd=1) +
ggtitle(title) +
savePlots <- function(months) {
for ( x in 1:length(months)) {
x0 <- sprintf("%04d", x)
fname <- paste('img', x0, '.png', sep='')
png(fname, width=1920, height=1080)
monthnames <- c('January', 'February', 'March',
'April', 'May', 'June',
'July', 'August', 'September',
'October', 'November', 'December')
dfile <- 'unemployment.csv'
nowts <- as.integer(Sys.time())
if ( !file.exists(dfile) |
nowts - as.integer('unemployment.csv')$ctime) > (60*60*24*7 ) ) {
fsource <- ''
#fsource <- ''
download.file(fsource, dfile)
unemp <- read.csv(dfile, stringsAsFactors=F)
colnames(unemp) <- sub('URN...Value', '', colnames(unemp))
#Set the min and max values for the plot's color scale.
lmts = c(min(unemp[, -1], na.rm=T),
max(unemp[, -1], na.rm=T))
mths <- setNames(as.list(unemp$Date),
sub("([0-9]{4})-0?(1?[0-9])-[0-9]{2}", "\\2/\\1", unemp$Date))
for ( m in 1:12) {
names(mths) <-sub(paste('^', m, '/', sep=''),
paste(monthnames[m], ' ', sep=''),
state.abbr <- 'state.abbr.csv'
if ( !file.exists(state.abbr) ) {
fsource <- ''
download.file(fsource, state.abbr)
state.abbr <- read.csv(state.abbr, stringsAsFactors=F)
state.abbr$State <- tolower(state.abbr$State)
names(state.abbr) = c('region', 'State')
states <- map_data("state")
map_theme <- theme(
line = element_blank(),
rect = element_blank(),
strip.text = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_blank(),
plot.title = element_text(face="bold", hjust=0, size=64))
#Remove the last two months--we don't have that data for all states yet.
months <- sort(unemp$Date[3:length(unemp$Date)])
#Ran into problems using animation::saveVideo() here.
system('ffmpeg -f image2 -r 4 -i img%04d.png unemp.mp4')
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