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Last active July 28, 2022 18:28
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(ns secp256k1
(:import (java.util Arrays)
( MessageDigest)
(java.nio.charset StandardCharsets)))
(defrecord Point [^BigInteger x ^BigInteger y])
(def infinity (->Point nil nil))
(def ^BigInteger zero BigInteger/ZERO)
(def ^BigInteger one BigInteger/ONE)
(def ^BigInteger two BigInteger/TWO)
(def ^BigInteger three (BigInteger/valueOf 3))
(def ^BigInteger four (BigInteger/valueOf 4))
(def ^BigInteger seven (BigInteger/valueOf 7))
(def ^BigInteger p
(def ^BigInteger n
(def ^BigInteger e
(.divide (.add p one) four))
(def G
(biginteger 16r79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798)
(biginteger 16r483ADA7726A3C4655DA4FBFC0E1108A8FD17B448A68554199C47D08FFB10D4B8)))
(defn- infinite?
(or (nil? (:x p)) (nil? (:y p))))
(defn add
[p1 p2]
(let [^BigInteger x1 (:x p1)
^BigInteger y1 (:y p1)
^BigInteger x2 (:x p2)
^BigInteger y2 (:y p2)
infinite-p1? (infinite? p1)
infinite-p2? (infinite? p2)]
(and infinite-p1? infinite-p2?) infinity
infinite-p1? p2
infinite-p2? p1
(and (= x1 x2) (not= y1 y2)) infinity
(let [lam (if (and (= x1 x2) (= y1 y2))
(.multiply (.multiply (.multiply three x1) x1)
(.modPow (.multiply y2 two) (.subtract p two) p))
(.multiply (.subtract y2 y1)
(.modPow (.subtract x2 x1) (.subtract p two) p))
x3 (.mod (.subtract (.subtract (.multiply lam lam) x1) x2) p)]
(->Point x3 (.mod (.subtract (.multiply lam (.subtract x1 x3)) y1) p))))))
(defn mul
[p ^BigInteger n]
(loop [i 0 R infinity P p]
(if (= i 256)
(inc i)
(if (pos? (.compareTo (.and (.shiftRight n i) one) zero))
(add R P) R)
(add P P)))))
(defn sha-256
^bytes [^bytes input]
(let [digest (MessageDigest/getInstance "SHA-256")]
(.digest digest input)))
(def ^bytes tag-hash
(sha-256 (.getBytes "BIP0340/challenge" StandardCharsets/UTF_8)))
(defn- biginteger*
^BigInteger [^bytes b]
(BigInteger. 1 b))
(defn- lift-x
[^BigInteger x]
(when (and (not (neg? (.signum x))) (neg? (.compareTo x p)))
(let [^BigInteger c (.mod (.add (.modPow x three p) seven) p)
^BigInteger y (.modPow c e p)]
(when (zero? (.compareTo c (.modPow y two p)))
(->Point x (if (zero? (.signum (.and y one))) y (.subtract p y)))))))
(defn- ||
^bytes [& byte-arrays]
(let [tuples (mapv vector
(concat byte-arrays [nil])
(reductions #(+ %1 (alength ^bytes %2)) 0 byte-arrays))
rv (byte-array (second (peek tuples)))]
(doseq [[arr offset] (butlast tuples)]
(System/arraycopy arr 0 rv offset (alength ^bytes arr)))
(defn verify
;; @see
[^bytes public-key ^bytes message ^bytes signature]
(when (and
(= 32 (alength ^bytes public-key) (alength ^bytes message))
(= 64 (alength ^bytes signature)))
(when-let [P (lift-x (biginteger* public-key))]
(let [r-bytes (Arrays/copyOfRange signature 0 32)
r (biginteger* r-bytes)
s (biginteger* (Arrays/copyOfRange signature 32 64))]
(when (and
(< (.compareTo r p) 0)
(< (.compareTo s n) 0))
(let [e (.mod
(|| tag-hash tag-hash r-bytes public-key message))) n)
R (add (mul G s) (mul P (.subtract n e)))]
(not= R infinity)
(zero? (.compareTo (.mod ^BigInteger (:y R) two) zero))
(zero? (.compareTo ^BigInteger (:x R) r)))
;; example:
;; (verify
;; (hex-decode "aff9a9f017f32b2e8b60754a4102db9d9cf9ff2b967804b50e070780aa45c9a8")
;; (hex-decode "2a3a85a53e99af51eb6b3303fb4c902594827f4c9da0a183f743054a9e3d3a33")
;; (hex-decode "0e049520f7683ab9ca1c3f50243e09c11ace8fcabb0e2fcdd80861b9802d83180ca0bed00f42a032ac780152a3b3a5c01c136a271a7d360379a1f29e13eceb9d"))
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