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Last active February 28, 2022 14:53
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ReduceLatest is a custom Combine publisher that transforms upstream publishers' data and sends the new value downstream whenever any upstream publisher publishes.
import Combine
import Foundation
public extension Publisher {
func reduceLatest<B: Publisher, Output>(
_ b: B,
_ transform: @escaping (Self.Output?, B.Output?) -> Output
) -> Publishers.ReduceLatest<Self, B, Output> {
Publishers.ReduceLatest(self, b, transform)
func reduceLatest<B: Publisher, C: Publisher, Output>(
_ b: B,
_ c: C,
_ transform: @escaping (Self.Output?, B.Output?, C.Output?) -> Output
) -> Publishers.ReduceLatest3<Self, B, C, Output> {
Publishers.ReduceLatest3(self, b, c, transform)
func reduceLatest<B: Publisher, C: Publisher, D: Publisher, Output>(
_ b: B,
_ c: C,
_ d: D,
_ transform: @escaping (Self.Output?, B.Output?, C.Output?, D.Output?) -> Output
) -> Publishers.ReduceLatest4<Self, B, C, D, Output> {
Publishers.ReduceLatest4(self, b, c, d, transform)
public extension Publishers {
struct ReduceLatest<A: Publisher, B: Publisher, Output>: Publisher
where A.Failure == B.Failure
public typealias Failure = A.Failure
private let a: A
private let b: B
private let transform: (A.Output?, B.Output?) -> Output
public init(_ a: A, _ b: B, _ transform: @escaping (A.Output?, B.Output?) -> Output) {
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.transform = transform
public func receive<S: Subscriber>(subscriber: S)
where S.Failure == Failure, S.Input == Output
let subscription = ReduceLatestSubscription(
subscriber: subscriber,
a: a,
b: b,
c: Just(()).setFailureType(to: Failure.self),
d: Just(()).setFailureType(to: Failure.self),
transform: { (aOut, bOut, _, _) -> Output in
return self.transform(aOut, bOut)
subscriber.receive(subscription: subscription)
struct ReduceLatest3<A: Publisher, B: Publisher, C: Publisher, Output>: Publisher
where A.Failure == B.Failure, A.Failure == C.Failure
public typealias Failure = A.Failure
private let a: A
private let b: B
private let c: C
private let transform: (A.Output?, B.Output?, C.Output?) -> Output
public init(
_ a: A,
_ b: B,
_ c: C,
_ transform: @escaping (A.Output?, B.Output?, C.Output?) -> Output
) {
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.c = c
self.transform = transform
public func receive<S: Subscriber>(subscriber: S)
where S.Failure == Failure, S.Input == Output
let subscription = ReduceLatestSubscription(
subscriber: subscriber,
a: a,
b: b,
c: c,
d: Just(()).setFailureType(to: Failure.self),
transform: { (aOut, bOut, cOut, _) -> Output in
return self.transform(aOut, bOut, cOut)
subscriber.receive(subscription: subscription)
struct ReduceLatest4<A: Publisher, B: Publisher, C: Publisher, D: Publisher, Output>: Publisher
where A.Failure == B.Failure, A.Failure == C.Failure, A.Failure == D.Failure
public typealias Failure = A.Failure
private let a: A
private let b: B
private let c: C
private let d: D
private let transform: (A.Output?, B.Output?, C.Output?, D.Output?) -> Output
public init(
_ a: A,
_ b: B,
_ c: C,
_ d: D,
_ transform: @escaping (A.Output?, B.Output?, C.Output?, D.Output?) -> Output
) {
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.c = c
self.d = d
self.transform = transform
public func receive<S: Subscriber>(subscriber: S)
where S.Failure == Failure, S.Input == Output
let subscription = ReduceLatestSubscription(
subscriber: subscriber,
a: a,
b: b,
c: c,
d: d,
transform: transform
subscriber.receive(subscription: subscription)
// MARK: ReduceLatestSubscription
private final class ReduceLatestSubscription<Subscriber, A, B, C, D, Output, Failure>: Subscription
Subscriber: Combine.Subscriber,
Subscriber.Input == Output,
Subscriber.Failure == Failure,
A: Publisher,
B: Publisher,
C: Publisher,
D: Publisher,
A.Failure == Failure,
B.Failure == Failure,
C.Failure == Failure,
D.Failure == Failure
private enum Key: String {
case a, b, c, d
private let lock = RecursiveLock()
private var tokens = [Key: AnyCancellable]()
private var completions = [Key.a: false, .b: false, .c: false, .d: false]
private var demand = Subscribers.Demand.none
private var subscriber: Subscriber?
private let transform: (A.Output?, B.Output?, C.Output?, D.Output?) -> Output
private var latestA: A.Output?
private var latestB: B.Output?
private var latestC: C.Output?
private var latestD: D.Output?
subscriber: Subscriber,
a: A,
b: B,
c: C,
d: D,
transform: @escaping (A.Output?, B.Output?, C.Output?, D.Output?) -> Output
) {
self.subscriber = subscriber
self.transform = transform
let tokenA = a.sink(receiveCompletion: completeA, receiveValue: receiveA)
let tokenB = b.sink(receiveCompletion: completeB, receiveValue: receiveB)
let tokenC = c.sink(receiveCompletion: completeC, receiveValue: receiveC)
let tokenD = d.sink(receiveCompletion: completeD, receiveValue: receiveD)
[Key.a: tokenA, .b: tokenB, .c: tokenC, .d: tokenD]
.forEach { tokens[$0] = $1 }
func request(_ demand: Subscribers.Demand) {
guard demand != .none else { return }
let shouldPublish: Bool = lock.locked {
let shouldPublish = self.demand == .none
self.demand += demand
return shouldPublish
guard shouldPublish else { return }
func cancel() {
lock.locked { subscriber = nil }
complete(with: .finished)
private func publish() {
lock.locked {
guard demand > .none else { return }
guard let subscriber = self.subscriber else { return }
demand -= .max(1)
let newDemand = subscriber.receive(transform(latestA, latestB, latestC, latestD))
// Combine doesn’t treat `Subscribers.Demand.none` as zero and
// adding or subtracting `.none` will trigger an exception.
guard newDemand != .none else { return }
demand += newDemand
private func complete(with completion: Subscribers.Completion<Failure>) {
let subscriber = lock.locked { () -> Subscriber? in
let sub = self.subscriber
self.subscriber = nil
return sub
subscriber?.receive(completion: completion)
private func receiveA(_ input: A.Output) {
lock.locked { latestA = input }
private func receiveB(_ input: B.Output) {
lock.locked { latestB = input }
private func receiveC(_ input: C.Output) {
lock.locked { latestC = input }
private func receiveD(_ input: D.Output) {
lock.locked { latestD = input }
private func completeA(_ completion: Subscribers.Completion<A.Failure>) {
completeUpstream(.a, completion)
private func completeB(_ completion: Subscribers.Completion<B.Failure>) {
completeUpstream(.b, completion)
private func completeC(_ completion: Subscribers.Completion<C.Failure>) {
completeUpstream(.c, completion)
private func completeD(_ completion: Subscribers.Completion<D.Failure>) {
completeUpstream(.d, completion)
private func completeUpstream(
_ key: Key,
_ completion: Subscribers.Completion<Failure>
) {
// Any upstream failure causes the `ReduceLatest` publisher to fail
guard case .finished = completion else {
complete(with: completion)
let shouldComplete: Bool = lock.locked {
tokens.removeValue(forKey: key)
completions[key] = true
return completions.reduce(true) { $0 && $1.value }
guard shouldComplete else { return }
complete(with: completion)
// MARK: RecursiveLock
private final class RecursiveLock {
private var backing: UnsafeMutablePointer<pthread_mutex_t>
init() {
backing = UnsafeMutablePointer<pthread_mutex_t>.allocate(capacity: 1)
backing.initialize(to: pthread_mutex_t())
var attributes = pthread_mutexattr_t()
guard pthread_mutexattr_init(&attributes) == 0
else { preconditionFailure() }
guard pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attributes, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE) == 0
else { preconditionFailure() }
guard pthread_mutex_init(backing, &attributes) == 0
else { preconditionFailure() }
deinit {
backing.deinitialize(count: 1)
func locked<T>(_ block: () throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
let ret = pthread_mutex_lock(backing)
precondition(ret == 0, "Could not acquire lock: '\(ret)'")
defer { pthread_mutex_unlock(backing) }
return try block()
// MARK: Tests
func receive(value: (Int?, Character?, Bool?)) {
let pub1 = PassthroughSubject<Int, Never>()
let pub2 = PassthroughSubject<Character, Never>()
let pub3 = PassthroughSubject<Bool, Never>()
let token = pub1
.reduceLatest(pub2, pub3) { ($0, $1, $2) }
.sink(receiveValue: receive(value:))
defer { token.cancel() }
pub1.send(1) // (1, <nil>, <nil>)
pub1.send(2) // (2, <nil>, <nil>)
pub2.send("A") // (2, A, <nil>)
pub3.send(false) // (2, A, false)
pub3.send(completion: .finished)
pub3.send(true) // (2, A, false)
pub2.send("B") // (2, B, false)
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