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Created March 28, 2012 17:25
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Update Chromium to latest nightly on OS X
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Update Chromium (on OS X) to the latest nightly build.
build=$(curl -s -f ${base_url}/LAST_CHANGE)
installed=$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Print :SVNRevision' ${install_dir}/Contents/Info.plist)
script=$(basename $0)
notice () {
echo $(tput setaf 7)[$(tput setaf 4)${script}$(tput setaf 7)]$(tput sgr0) $@
do_upgrade () {
curl -# -A "Mozilla/5.0" -L -e ";auto" "${base_url}/${build}/" -o chrome-${build}.zip
mkdir -p ~/tmp &>/dev/null
unzip -q -x chrome-${build}.zip -d ~/tmp &>/dev/null
kill $(ps aux | grep '[C]hromium' | awk '{print $2}')
sleep 2
rm -rf ${install_dir} &>/dev/null
mv ~/tmp/chrome-mac/ /Applications
rm chrome-${build}.zip
if [[ "${installed}" -ge "${build}" ]]; then
notice "You're running the latest build (${installed})."
exit 1
notice "Upgrading to ${build} (you have ${installed})..."
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