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Created October 5, 2012 22:41
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Save atduskgreg/3842886 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
hand gesture recognizer example using Processing wrapper of libsvm and a Histogram of Oriented Gradients library
import hog.*;
import psvm.*;
PixelGradientVector[][] pixelGradients;
PImage img;
SVM model;
int[] labels; // 1 = A, 2 = B
String[] trainingFilenames, testFilenames;
float[][] trainingFeatures, testFeatures;
int[] testLabels;
PImage testImage;
double testResult = 0.0;
void setup() {
size(500, 500);
// get the names of all of the training image files folder = new"train"));
trainingFilenames = folder.list();
labels = new int[trainingFilenames.length];
trainingFeatures = new float[trainingFilenames.length][324];
// load in the labels based on the first letter of
// the training images' filenames
for (int i = 0; i < trainingFilenames.length; i++) {
String gestureLabel = split(trainingFilenames[i], '-')[0];
if (gestureLabel.equals("A")) {
labels[i] = 1;
if (gestureLabel.equals("B")) {
labels[i] = 2;
// calcualte the Histogram of Oriented Gradients for this image
// use its results as a training vector in our SVM
trainingFeatures[i] = gradientsForImage(loadImage("train/" + trainingFilenames[i]));
model = new SVM(this);
SVMProblem problem = new SVMProblem();
// load the problem with the labels and training data
problem.setSampleData(labels, trainingFeatures);
// train the model
testResult = testNewImage();
double testNewImage() {
int imgNum = (int)random(0, testFilenames.length-1);
testImage = loadImage("test/" + testFilenames[imgNum]);
testImage.resize(50, 50);
return model.test(gradientsForImage(testImage));
void draw() {
image(testImage, 0, 0);
String result = "Gesture is: ";
if ((int)testResult == 1) {
fill(255, 0, 0);
result = result + "A";
else if ((int)testResult == 2) {
fill(0, 255, 0);
result = result + "B";
text(result, 100, 20);
void keyPressed() {
testResult = testNewImage();
float[] gradientsForImage(PImage img) {
// resize the images to a consistent size:
img.resize(50, 50);
// settings for Histogram of Oriented Gradients
// (probably don't change these)
int window_width=64;
int window_height=128;
int bins = 9;
int cell_size = 8;
int block_size = 2;
boolean signed = false;
int overlap = 0;
int stride=16;
int number_of_resizes=5;
// a bunch of unecessarily verbose HOG code
HOG_Factory hog = HOG.createInstance();
GradientsComputation gc=hog.createGradientsComputation();
Voter voter=MagnitudeItselfVoter.createMagnitudeItselfVoter();
HistogramsComputation hc=hog.createHistogramsComputation( bins, cell_size, cell_size, signed, voter);
Norm norm=L2_Norm.createL2_Norm(0.1);
BlocksComputation bc=hog.createBlocksComputation(block_size, block_size, overlap, norm);
pixelGradients = gc.computeGradients(img, this);
Histogram[][] histograms = hc.computeHistograms(pixelGradients);
Block[][] blocks = bc.computeBlocks(histograms);
Block[][] normalizedBlocks = bc.normalizeBlocks(blocks);
DescriptorComputation dc=hog.createDescriptorComputation();
return dc.computeDescriptor(normalizedBlocks);
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