PerspectiveHelper - Processing sketch that aids in the finding of vanishing points and in making drawings using 1-, 2-, or 3-point perspective.
Perspective for Comic Book Artists by David Chelsea (download)
Techniques of the Observer: Vision and Technology from the Camera Obscura to OpenGL (lecture notes)
Techniques of the Observer by Jonathan Crary
<iframe src="" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>Body Dysmorphic Disorder from flight404 on Vimeo.
Chris Foss:
<iframe src="" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>Kubrick // One-Point Perspective from kogonada on Vimeo.
Pablo Garcia's camera lucida drawings
David Hockney explaining perspective
Day on the Grand Canal with The Emperor of China or Surface is Illusion but so is depth
Richard Blazer Thaumatrope collection (also many other Victorian optical toys)
Modern Zoetropes (Pixar physical zoetrope and record label praxinoscope)
Laura Hayes and John Howard Wileman Exhibit of Optical Toys
Gregory Barsamian's 3D zoetropes
Origins of American Animation (Library of Congress)
The Enchanted Drawing - Edison
Krišs Salmanis "The Moment Will Come", graffiti animation
gifpop (lenticular prints of gifs, great collection of gif artists)
Bringing the Exotic into the Parlor: Travel Stereographs in the Victorian Home
LiveViewRift (sofrware for viewing stereo pairs on the Rift)
Make a fluid prism stereo viewer from a cd case
Cardboard mailable stereograph viewer
anamorphic illusion videos (includes links to high-res anamorphic samples)
Forced Perspective in Lord of the Rings
Forced perspective at Disney Land
Forced perspective miniature car photography by Michael Paul Smith:
Anamorphic skull in The Ambassadors by Hans Holbein, The Younger:
Depth image:
Realtime 3D scanning using structured light
Depth from Stereo with OpenCV for Processing:
SIFT features:
Dancing the Flip-Flop by Robin Sloan
The Kid Stays in the Picture effect (still photos into aniation)
An optical printer:
Blue screen from Return of the Jedi:
Metropolis miniatures:
Wizard of Oz matte paintings:
Star Wars matte paintings:
Doug Trumbull cloud tank tutorial
John Dykstra motion control camera
This is an incredible resource. Thanks, Greg. I'll be digesting this for a while :)