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Last active January 25, 2023 19:14
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  • Save atengberg/7a698218112615517969247f762d92fd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save atengberg/7a698218112615517969247f762d92fd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
an example of using zx to deploy an icrc1 ledger with a esm utility function and run dfx nns install after checking if networks config is correct
uses zx as ilocal project dependency; zx can also
be used by including its shebang at the beginning
of the mjs using it--in that case can be run by
> chmod +x file.mjs
> zx file.mjs
<start of file>
import { oneLine } from 'common-tags';
const getICRC1DeploymentLiteral = (
{ mintingPrincipal, initiallyFunded, name, symbol, decimals, fee },
asOneLine = true,
dfxJsonCanisterName = 'icrc1_example_ledger',
) => {
if (!mintingPrincipal) throw new Error('No minting principal specified, aborting!');
const mintingPrincipal_ = mintingPrincipal;
const initMints_ = initiallyFunded ?? [];
const name_ = name ?? 'Reloaded';
const symbol_ = symbol ?? 'ICRC1R';
const decimals_ = decimals ?? 8;
const fee_ = fee ?? 10000;
if (initMints_.length > 0) {
for (let who of initMints_) {
if (!who.principal || !who.amount) {
throw new Error('Any to be initially funded must included as { principal, amount }');
const getInitialMints = () => {
return initMints_.reduce((s, c) => {
return (s += `
record {
account = record {
owner = principal"${c.principal}";
amount = ${c.amount};
}, ``);
const getArg = () => `
dfx deploy ${dfxJsonCanisterName} --argument '(
record {
initial_mints = vec { ${getInitialMints()}
minting_account = record {
owner = principal"${mintingPrincipal_}";
token_name = "${name_}";
token_symbol = "${symbol_}";
decimals = ${decimals_};
transfer_fee = ${fee_};
return asOneLine ? oneLine`${getArg()}` : getArg();
class Builder {
constructor(mintPrincipal, autoFundMintPrincipal = true) {
this.mintingPrincipal = mintPrincipal;
this.initMints = [];
if (autoFundMintPrincipal) {
this.initMints.push({ principal: mintPrincipal, amount: 1000000000000n });
this.transferFee = 10000;
this.setDecimals = 8;
addInitialMint(principal, amount) {
if (principal && amount) {
this.initMints.push({ principal, amount });
} else {
throw new Error("Can't add faulty principal and or amount to init mint accounts list");
return this;
setTokenNameAndSymbol(name, symbol) { = name;
this.symbol = symbol;
return this;
setTransferFee(fee) {
this.transferFee = fee;
return this;
// "setDecimals" always weirdly throws an undefined function error
setDecimalz(decimals) {
this.decimals = decimals;
return this;
build(asOneLine = true) {
return getICRC1DeploymentLiteral(
mintingPrincipal: this.mintingPrincipal,
initiallyFunded: this.initMints,
symbol: this.symbol,
decimalz: this.decimals,
fee: this.fee,
export { getICRC1DeploymentLiteral, Builder as ICRC1DeployLitBuilder };
<start of file>
import { $, argv, chalk, fs } from 'zx';
import { spawnSync } from 'child_process';
import { ICRC1DeployLitBuilder } from './zx-scripts/generate_icrc1_deployment_literal.mjs';
// hides verbose logging or not, fyi --quiet => $.verbose = true;
//$.verbose = false;
// if JSON.stringify/parse traps
// BigInt.prototype.toJSON = function () { return this.toString(); };
const dfxRaw = async cmd => {
// Zx escapes input, this interferes with dfx commands;
// (see fmi)
// until a better quote function for dfx for zx can be made
// available run all dfx commands through zx without
// its escaping function, then reset it to normal.
const escaping = $.quote;
$.quote = (...all) => all;
const res = await $`${cmd}`;
$.quote = escaping;
return res;
const restartDfxClean = async withNNSinstall => {'restarting dfx clean'));
await $`dfx stop`;
// there are other ways of doing this, but this was this easiest
// IF you don't use this with --background dfx stop will lose
// ability to stop its own spawned processes
spawnSync('dfx', ['start', '--clean', '--background'], {
detached: true,
stdio: 'ignore',
if (withNNSinstall) {
let networks = `${await $`dfx info networks-json-path`}`.trim();
let { local } = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(networks, 'utf8'));
// confirm local replica network is configured correctly for dfx nns install
if (local.bind === '' && local?.replica?.subnet_type === 'system') {'with fresh dfx nns deployment'));
await $`dfx nns install`;
} else {'networks.json not configured for dfx nns, skipping'));
const run = async (dfxnnsRedeploy = true) => {
await restartDfxClean(dfxnnsRedeploy);
const currentIdentityPrincipal = `${await $`dfx identity get-principal`}`;
// dfx nns install is deployed without an available minting account but has
// two identities that are loaded up, this one is the secpk256KeyIdentity
// that has a ident-1.pem file available for dfx cli. the other is an
// edscakeyidentity for node / e2e testing etc
const nnsFundedSecpkIdP = `hpikg-6exdt-jn33w-ndty3-fc7jc-tl2lr-buih3-cs3y7-tftkp-sfp62-gqe`;
let icrc1DeployLit = new ICRC1DeployLitBuilder(currentIdentityPrincipal.trim())
.addInitialMint(nnsFundedSecpkIdP, 1000000000n)
.setTokenNameAndSymbol('Reloaded', 'ICPR')
.build(true);'deploying ICRC1 ledger'));
await dfxRaw(icrc1DeployLit);`deployment finished, canisters rollin'`));
// argv zx cli args --sayHello=Hiro
if (argv.sayHello) {
console.log(`hello ${argv.sayHello}`);
// you can also try catch etc etc
node initReplicaScript.mjs --sayHello=Hiro --dfxnnsRedeploy
!!!note this was updated to formalize wrapper around
running dfx commands through zx raw only when needed.
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