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Last active March 4, 2024 18:44
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  • Save atengberg/f992d873eeccf5a212f1b52328ff622b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save atengberg/f992d873eeccf5a212f1b52328ff622b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(Somewhat naive) Approach to using ZX for managing redis server during node project development
// Using zx to manage background redis server (for development purposes mostly, and doesn't require sudo (except prior to, when disabling redis-server autoboot initially)).
// ( cli user input loop logic via zx question likely suggests its own reusable component TBD; also something similar for zx error handling).
// notice while redis-server cmd is used to start, to cleanly stop redis-cli shutdown is used. Avoids manipulating systemctl (as I saw on several guides) which when doing so tended to spontaneousily crash my system).
// in reverse order for readible coherence, all relative directories flattened for simplicity.
// assume npm esm project... with a script defined:
// npm script: "redis-server": "node index.js" (see below)
// New File!
// Called by the npm script (RedisServer.js/literalConfig.js) would usually be nested in src/* while src/ and this index.js cohabitate for typical namespace resoluton).
import RedisServer from "./interactive_redis_server.js";
// New File!
// Since ESM project, provide common util script for obtaining project base __dirname, configuring zx, dotenv (in direct proximity to actual .env in case of nested subprojects) | would be located in base directory
process.env.FORCE_COLOR='1' // Supposed to force recolorize terminal output when handled by zx processp's.
// import 'zx/globals' for vscode autocomplete?
import * as zx from 'zx';
const { $, chalk } = zx;
$.verbose = false;
import __dirname from './dirname.js';
import 'dotenv/config';
const blue = s =>;
export {
//ZX note to log output of a command and not the command themsleves
//$.verbose = false
//await $`program 2>&1`.pipe(process.stdout)
// new File!
// Not super clean, but zx script for managing background redis server instance.
// interactive-redis-server.js
import getLiteralConfig from './literalConfig.js';
import { zx, __dirname, blue } from './commonit.js';
const { $, question, path, fs, chalk } = zx;
const redisDir = path.join(__dirname); // omitted compelte relative path building
const redisServerDir = path.join(redisDir, 'server'); // etc
const configFile = path.join(redisServerDir, 'config', 'redisconfiguration.conf');
const dbPath = path.join(redisServerDir, 'db');
const serverStdOutLogFilePath = path.join(redisServerDir, 'log', 'redis_server_stdoutnerr.txt');
const port = process.env.redis_PORT;
const dbFileName = process.env.redis_DB_NAME;
console.log(chalk.yellow(`Running interactive-redis-server.js...`));
const logAlreadyRunning = () => console.log(chalk.bgYellow("Redis server already running, didn't you see the status message?"))
const logNotRunning = () => console.log(chalk.bgYellowBright("Redis server IS NOT running, didn't you see the status message?"))
const INFO_options = [
const INFO_options_tty = INFO_options.reduce((a, v) => a + '\t\t' + v + '\n', "");
// redo to use [fcn] instead of switch? also iterate so numbers are automatically derived.
const options = [
`1 - write config file`,
`2 - start redis server`,
`3 - 1 & 2`,
"4 - show query INFO options",
"5 - shutdown redis server",
"6 - 5 & quit this already!",
].reduce((a, v) => a + '\t' + v + '\n', '');
const colorStatus = status => {
switch (status.toLowerCase()) {
case 'offline':
return chalk.grey(status);
case 'online':
case 'unknown':
return chalk.yellow(status);
return chalk.bgYellow(status);
// Note the if else else if else... could be a while input loop but easier to handle while sorting out zx process promise redirects.
async function RedisServer() {
// also note if you did not catch at beginning, sudo systemctl disable for redis-server was already run since while devin, wanted to manually start and stop redis-server
let serverRunning = false;
const writeConfigFile = async () => {
try {
await fs.writeFile(configFile, getLiteralConfig({ dbPath, dbFileName, port }));
console.log(`Successfully wrote config file to ${blue(configFile)}`);
} catch (e) {
console.error('Failed to write config file due to \n'), e?.stderr || e?.msg || e);
const startRedisServer = async () => {
try {
// There should be a way to more simply redirect with ZX's pipe, but piping stdout&stderr to file served equaly well here.
await $`redis-server ${configFile} >> ${serverStdOutLogFilePath} 2>&1 &`;
console.log(`Successfully started redis server writing output to ${blue(serverStdOutLogFilePath)}`);
} catch (e) {
console.error("Failed to start redis server due to ", e?.stderr || e?.msg || e);
/** Notice, cleanly handles closing the process started by zx above! */
const shutdownRedisServerViaCli = async () => {
try {
await $`redis-cli shutdown`;
console.log(`Successfully shut down redis server! Db dumped to ${dbPath}`);
} catch (e) {
console.error("Failed to shutdown redis server via redis-cli due to ", e?.stderr || e?.msg || e);
const pingRedisServer = async () => {
try {
const output = (await $`redis-cli ping`).stdout.toString().trimEnd();
console.log(chalk.yellow(`Redis server says ${chalk.cyanBright(output)}`));
console.log(`Redis server status - ${colorStatus('ONLINE')}`);
serverRunning = true;
} catch (e) {
serverRunning = false;
const lit = `${e.stderr}`;
if (lit.includes('Could not connect to Redis at') && lit.includes('Connection refused')) {
console.log(`Redis server status - ${colorStatus('OFFLINE')}!`)
} else {
console.log(`Redis server status - ${colorStatus('UNKNOWN')}: `, e?.stderr || e?.msg || e);
const queryInfo = async (which = '') => {
try {
const output = (await $`redis-cli INFO ${which}`).stdout.toString();
console.log(`Redis server INFO query ${which} results:\n`, output);
} catch (e) {
const lit = `${e.stderr}`;
if (lit.includes('Could not connect to Redis at') && lit.includes('Connection refused')) {
console.log(`Could not query INFO, the redis server status is ${colorStatus('OFFLINE')}!`)
} else {
console.log(`Redis server status - ${colorStatus('UNKNOWN')}: `, e?.stderr || e?.msg || e);
const getUserInput = async () => {
await pingRedisServer();
const userInput = (await question(chalk.bgYellow(`What to do?\n${options}`))).trim().toLowerCase();
if (userInput === '1') {
await writeConfigFile();
await getUserInput();
} else if (userInput === '2') {
if (serverRunning) {
} else {
await startRedisServer();
await getUserInput();
} else if (userInput === '3') {
await writeConfigFile();
if (serverRunning) {
} else {
await startRedisServer();
await getUserInput();
} else if (userInput === '4') {
if (serverRunning) {
const infoOptionInput = (await question(`What query INFO option (enter nothing for default)?\n${INFO_options_tty}`)).trim().toLowerCase();
if (infoOptionInput === '') {
await queryInfo();
} else {
if (INFO_options.includes(infoOptionInput)) {
await queryInfo(infoOptionInput);
} else {
console.log("\nUnrecognized query INFO option, try again?")
} else {
await getUserInput();
} else if (userInput === '5') {
if (serverRunning) {
await shutdownRedisServerViaCli();
} else {
await getUserInput();
} else if (userInput === '6') {
if (serverRunning) {
await shutdownRedisServerViaCli();
console.log("Now is as good a time as any, all systems shutdown. Goodbye!");
} else {
console.log(`User input ${userInput} not recognized. Try again?`);
await getUserInput();
await getUserInput();
export default RedisServer;
// new File!
// Not properly setup for streaming/serializing snapshots yet.
/** Generates the literal that can be written as the redis server config file */
function getLiteralConfig({ dbPath, port, maxMemory, dbFileName } = {}) {
if (!dbPath) throw new Error("Can't produce redis server config literal without specified dbPath");
const _maxMemory = maxMemory ?? '50mb';
const maxClients = 10;
const dbPathSansFileName = dbPath;
const dbFileNameSansPath = dbFileName ?? 'redis_dump.rdb';
const _port = port ?? 6379;
const logLevel = 'verbose'; // debug | verbose | notice | warning
const dbCount = 3;
return [
`protected-mode yes`,
`port ${_port}`,
`tcp-backlog 511`,
`timeout 0`,
`tcp-keepalive 300`,
`daemonize no`,
`supervised no`,
`pidfile /var/run/redis_${_port}.pid`,
`loglevel ${logLevel}`,
`logfile ""`,
`databases ${dbCount}`,
`always-show-logo yes`,
`save 900 1`,
`save 300 10`,
`save 60 10000`,
`stop-writes-on-bgsave-error yes`,
`rdbcompression yes`,
`rdbchecksum yes`,
`dbfilename ${dbFileNameSansPath}`,
`rdb-del-sync-files no`,
`dir ${dbPathSansFileName}`,
`replica-serve-stale-data yes`,
`replica-read-only yes`,
`repl-diskless-sync no`,
`repl-diskless-sync-delay 5`,
`repl-diskless-load disabled`,
`repl-disable-tcp-nodelay no`,
`replica-priority 0`,
`min-replicas-to-write 0`,
`min-replicas-max-lag 0`,
`acllog-max-len 128`,
`aclfile ""`,
`maxclients ${maxClients}`,
`maxmemory ${_maxMemory}`,
`maxmemory-policy noeviction`,
`lazyfree-lazy-eviction no`,
`lazyfree-lazy-expire no`,
`lazyfree-lazy-server-del no`,
`replica-lazy-flush no`,
`lazyfree-lazy-user-del no`,
`oom-score-adj no`,
`oom-score-adj-values 0 200 800`,
`appendonly no`,
`appendfilename "appendonly.aof"`,
`appendfsync no`,
`no-appendfsync-on-rewrite no`,
`auto-aof-rewrite-percentage 100`,
`auto-aof-rewrite-min-size 64mb`,
`aof-load-truncated yes`,
`aof-use-rdb-preamble yes`,
`lua-time-limit 5000`,
`slowlog-log-slower-than 10000`,
`slowlog-max-len 128`,
`latency-monitor-threshold 0`,
`notify-keyspace-events ""`,
`hash-max-ziplist-entries 512`,
`hash-max-ziplist-value 64`,
`list-max-ziplist-size -2`,
`list-compress-depth 0`,
`set-max-intset-entries 512`,
`zset-max-ziplist-entries 128`,
`zset-max-ziplist-value 64`,
`hll-sparse-max-bytes 3000`,
`stream-node-max-bytes 4096`,
`stream-node-max-entries 100`,
`activerehashing yes`,
`client-output-buffer-limit normal 0 0 0`,
`client-output-buffer-limit replica 256mb 64mb 60`,
`client-output-buffer-limit pubsub 32mb 8mb 60`,
`hz 10`,
`dynamic-hz yes`,
`aof-rewrite-incremental-fsync yes`,
`rdb-save-incremental-fsync yes`,
`jemalloc-bg-thread yes`
].reduce((a, v) => a + v + '\n', '');
export default getLiteralConfig;
// new File!
import { Redis } from 'ioredis';
import { zx, __dirname, blue } from './commonit.js';
const { $, question, path, fs, chalk } = zx;
const producer = new Redis();
const consumer = new Redis();
consumer.subscribe('send-data', (err, count) => {
if (err) console.error(err.message);
console.log(`Subscribed to ${count} channels`);
consumer.on("message", (channel, message) => {
console.log(`on consumer message with ${channel} and ${JSON.stringify(message)}`);
setTimeout(() => {
producer.publish("send-data", JSON.stringify({ data: { data: "data" } }))
}, 1000);
XADD [stream name] [id | * for AIID/ulid ] [key]-[value] [key]-[value] -> eg XADD order-invoice * id 1 price "$25" created "1698190109" -> "1698189556511-0"
- returns message-id ("1698189556511-0")
XREAD COUNT [n] BLOCK [millie seconds] STREAMS [stream-name] [id] -> XREAD COUNT 10 BLOCK 60000 STREAMS order-invoice $
-? COUNT - limit the number of messages consumed at once
-? BLOCK - timeout to wait for new messages
-STREAMS <stream-name>- name of streams to subscribe too
-ID - [ "0-0" to read all messages from the begining | message-id | $ to recieve only new messages after XREAD is executed]
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Anyone who knows what they are doing and seeing obvious improvements in the above, comments much appreciated!

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