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Created October 7, 2021 09:45
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function updateTutorsDataMain() {
const lastDate = getLastDate();
const sheets = getAllsheets();
const answerLen = sheets[0].getLastColumn();
const timeStamps = getData(sheets[0], 1, 2); //タイムスタンプと講師番号のみ
const answer = getData(sheets[0], 2, answerLen - 1); //タイムスタンプを含まない
const tutorNumList = getData(sheets[1], 1, 1).flat(); //講師リスト
const toExcelList = getData(sheets[2], 1, 1).flat(); //toExcelの講師番号リスト
let updateData = getUpdatelist(timeStamps, lastDate);
let [newTutors, oldTutors] = checkTutor(tutorNumList, updateData);
addNewTutors(newTutors, answer, sheets);
updateOldTutorData(oldTutors, answer, toExcelList, sheets[2])
function getLastDate() {
const propertyDate = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty("date");
let lastDate;
if (propertyDate == null) {
lastDate = 0;
} else {
lastDate = Date.parse(propertyDate);
return lastDate;
function updateLastDate() {
let date = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "Asia/Tokyo", "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty("date", date);
function getAllsheets() {
const book = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const sheets = book.getSheets();
return sheets;
function getData(sheet, startCol, col) {
const rowLen = sheet.getLastRow();
if (rowLen <= 1) {
return [0];
} else {
return sheet.getRange(2, startCol, rowLen - 1, col).getValues();
function getUpdatelist(timeStamps, lastDate) {
let updateData = [];
timeStamps.forEach((element, index) => {
let timeStamp = Date.parse(element[0]);
if (timeStamp >= lastDate) {
updateData.push([index, element[1]]);
return updateData;
function checkTutor(tutorNumList, updateData) {
let newTutors = []; //新人講師
let oldTutors = []; //在籍講師
updateData.forEach(element => {
let index = binarySarch(element[1], tutorNumList);
if (index == -1) {
} else {
return [newTutors, oldTutors];
function addNewTutors(newTutors, answer, sheets) {
if (newTutors.length == 0) return;
addTotorList(newTutors, sheets[1]);
addNewtoExcel(newTutors, answer, sheets[2]);
function addTotorList(tutors, sheet) {
let flagData = [];
tutors.forEach(element => {
flagData.push([element[1], 1]);
const rowLen = sheet.getLastRow();
const rangeLen = flagData.length;
sheet.getRange(rowLen + 1, 1, rangeLen, 2).setValues(flagData);
function addNewtoExcel(tutors, answer, sheet) {
let tutorData = [];
tutors.forEach(element => {
const rowLen = sheet.getLastRow();
const colLen = sheet.getLastColumn();
const rangeLen = tutorData.length;
sheet.getRange(rowLen + 1, 1, rangeLen, colLen).setValues(tutorData);
function updateOldTutorData(tutors, answer, toExcelList, sheet) {
if (tutors.length == 0) return;
tutors.forEach(tutor => {
const index = toExcelList.indexOf(tutor[1]);
const replaceData = [answer[tutor[0]]];
sheet.getRange(index + 2, 1, 1, replaceData[0].length).setValues(replaceData);
function binarySarch(tutuorNum, tutorNumList) {
let index = -1;
let left = 0, right = tutorNumList.length - 1;
while (left <= right) {
let mid = Math.floor((left + right) / 2);
if (tutorNumList[mid] == tutuorNum) {
index = mid;
} else if (tutorNumList[mid] < tutuorNum) {
left = mid + 1;
} else {
right = mid - 1;
return index;
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