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atg/crazy.js Secret

Created September 6, 2016 00:48
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[ { kind: 'expr.use',
{ moduleName: { kind: 'ident', val: 'sqlite3' },
[ [ { kind: 'ident', val: 'a' }, { kind: 'ident', val: 'b' } ],
[ { kind: 'ident', val: 'c' }, { kind: 'ident', val: 'd' } ],
[ { kind: 'ident', val: 'e' }, { kind: 'ident', val: 'f' } ] ] } },
{ kind: 'line',
[ { kind: 'ident', val: 'type' },
{ kind: 'ident', val: 'Dog' },
{ kind: 'punct', val: '=' },
{ kind: 'block',
val: [ { kind: 'unlexed', val: '\n name: String\n' } ] } ] },
{ kind: 'line',
[ { kind: 'ident', val: 'fn' },
{ kind: 'ident', val: 'range' },
{ kind: 'group', val: [ { kind: 'unlexed', val: 'i, j' } ] },
{ kind: 'punct', val: '-' },
{ kind: 'punct', val: '>' },
{ kind: 'ident', val: 'yields' },
{ kind: 'ident', val: 'Int' },
{ kind: 'block',
[ { kind: 'unlexed', val: '\n i = 0\n while i < j ' },
{ kind: 'block',
val: [ { kind: 'unlexed', val: '\n yield i\n i++\n ' } ] },
{ kind: 'unlexed', val: '\n' } ] } ] },
{ kind: 'line',
[ { kind: 'ident', val: 'fn' },
{ kind: 'ident', val: 'main' },
{ kind: 'group', val: [] },
{ kind: 'block',
[ { kind: 'unlexed', val: '\n for x in range' },
{ kind: 'group', val: [ { kind: 'unlexed', val: '0, 10' } ] },
{ kind: 'unlexed', val: ' ' },
{ kind: 'block',
[ { kind: 'unlexed', val: '\n print' },
{ kind: 'group',
val: [ { kind: 'unlexed', val: '"Hello world!"' } ] },
{ kind: 'unlexed', val: '\n ' } ] },
{ kind: 'unlexed', val: '\n' } ] } ] } ] }
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