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Created March 9, 2017 09:15
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Godot A* pathfinding
func grid_to_world(position):
# (0,8) is the offset to the middle of the tile
return map_to_world(position) + Vector2(0, 8)
func world_to_grid(position):
return world_to_map(position)
func get_tile_cost(pos):
# placeholder
return 1.0
func get_tile_weighing_category(pos):
# placeholder
return 'normal'
func _heap_pop(heap, f_scores):
# naive O(n) implementation. Only invariant of this function is
# that it returns the smallest element in the data structure.
# Can be optimized to an actual heap with O(log n) if it becomes necessary
var minimum_i = 0
var current_minimum = 1000000000
if f_scores.has(heap[0]):
current_minimum = f_scores[heap[0]]
for i in range(1, heap.size()):
var this_score = 1000000000
if f_scores.has(heap[i]):
this_score = f_scores[heap[i]]
if this_score < current_minimum:
minimum_i = i
current_minimum = this_score
var ret = heap[minimum_i]
return ret
func _heap_push(heap, val, f_scores):
func get_neighbors(field):
var neighbors = []
for move in [Vector2(-1, 0), Vector2(1, 0), Vector2(0, 1), Vector2(0, -1)]:
var potential_neighbor = Vector2(int(field.x + move.x), int(field.y + move.y))
var world_point = grid_to_world(potential_neighbor)
if (world_point - get_node("WalkMap").get_closest_point(world_point)).length_squared() < 0.1:
return Vector2Array(neighbors)
func _heuristic_score(prev, from, to):
# a bit of a convoluted heuristic score that punishes taking many turns
return (to - from).length_squared() * (from - prev).angle_to(to - from)
func calculate_path(from, to, weights={}):
# Perform an A* to calculate a good way to the target
# Use WalkMap to check whether a tile is accessible
# Weights can be used to prefer certain categories of field costs.
# (I'll document this better later, triple promise!)
# closely following*_search_algorithm#Pseudocode
# naively arrays, could be replaced with heaps and search trees in case of performance issues
var closed = []
var open = [from]
var predecessors = {}
var g_scores = {from: 0}
var turns = {from: 0}
var f_scores = {to: (to - from).length_squared()}
# shackle maximum checking size
while open.size() > 0 and open.size() < 9999:
var current = _heap_pop(open, f_scores)
# if reached the goal, retrace steps
if (current - to).length_squared() < 0.1:
var path = []
var f = to
while (f - from).length_squared() > 0.1:
path.insert(0, f)
f = predecessors[f]
return Vector2Array([from] + path)
for neighbor in get_neighbors(current):
# skip checked nodes
if closed.find(neighbor) > -1:
var cost_modifier = 1.0
var weight_category = get_tile_weighing_category(neighbor)
if weights.has(weight_category):
cost_modifier = weights[weight_category]
var this_turns = turns[current]
var turn_cost = 0
if predecessors.has(current):
turn_cost = abs(sin((current - predecessors[current]).angle_to(neighbor - current)))
if turn_cost > 0.5:
this_turns += 1
var move_cost = get_tile_cost(neighbor)
var tentative_g_score = g_scores[current] + move_cost * cost_modifier
tentative_g_score += this_turns * 1.5
if open.find(neighbor) == -1:
_heap_push(open, neighbor, f_scores)
elif tentative_g_score >= g_scores[neighbor]:
continue # found a worse path
# found a better path
predecessors[neighbor] = current
turns[neighbor] = this_turns
g_scores[neighbor] = tentative_g_score
f_scores[neighbor] = tentative_g_score + (to - neighbor).length_squared() + turn_cost
return null
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Again Thanks for the explanation. Over the next few days I will do as you have advised and see what results I get.

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