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Alternative Pathom3 Tutorial using GeoJS and AccuWeather APIs
[:name "GeoJS and AccuWeather EQL API with Pathom3"
:description "Alternative Pathom3 Tutorial using GeoJS and AccuWeather APIs"
:version "0.1"
:author "Athanassios I. Hatzis"
:copyright "(C) Athanassios I. Hatzis 2022-07-02"
:license "Eclipse Public License 2.0"
:url ""]
(ns weather-tutorial2
[cheshire.core :as json]
[com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.operation :as pco]
[ :as psm]
[ :as pvc]
[com.wsscode.pathom3.interface.eql :as p.eql]
[ :as p.connector]
[com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.indexes :as pci]
[clojure.edn :as edn]
;; =================================================================================================
;; def Section
;; =================================================================================================
(def min-hot 32)
(def max-cold 15)
(def google-ip "")
(def geojs_ip "")
(def geojs_coords "")
(def accu_url_location_key "")
(def accu_url_current_weather "")
(def accu_api_key "PUT YOUR AccuWeather ApiKey HERE")
(def geojs_keys [:country
(def accu_keys [:weather-text
;; ===============================================================================================
;; Resolvers Section
;; ===============================================================================================
(defn add-geojs-ns
"Add :geojs to a GeoJS key
e.g. :country --> :geojs/country"
;; ........................... body .......................................
(keyword "geojs" (name key)))
(defn add-accu-ns
"Add :geojs to a GeoJS key
e.g. :temperature-unit --> :accu/temperature-unit
;; ........................... body .......................................
(keyword "accu" (name key)))
(pco/defresolver get-ip
"It resolves to an IP of the machine we are invoking this code
Arguments: No input
Return: {:ip <String>}
;; ........................... body .......................................
{::pco/output [:ip]}
(json/parse-string (slurp geojs_ip) keyword))
(pco/defresolver ip->geocoords
"It receives an IP and resolves to GeoJS info
Arguments: {:ip <String>}
Return: GeoJS map with the selected keys (see `geojs_keys`)
[{:keys [ip]}]
;; ........................... body .......................................
{::pco/output (mapv add-geojs-ns geojs_keys)}
(let [url (str geojs_coords ip ".json")
response-map (json/parse-string (slurp url) keyword)]
(select-keys response-map geojs_keys) add-geojs-ns)
(pco/defresolver geocoords->locationkey
"It takes GeoJS latitude and longitude and resolves to AccuWeather location
{:geojs/latitude <Double>
:geojs/longitude <Double>}
Return: {:accu/location-id <Long>}
[{:geojs/keys [latitude longitude]}]
;; ........................... body .......................................
{:accu/location-id (-> (slurp
(str accu_url_location_key "?q=" latitude "," longitude "&apikey=" accu_api_key))
(json/parse-string keyword)
(pco/defresolver locationkey->currentweather
"It takes an AccuWeather location key and resolves to AccuWeather current conditions
{:accu/location-id <Long>}
Return: AccuWeather map with the selected keys (see `accu_keys`)
[{:accu/keys [location-id]}]
;; ........................... body .......................................
{::pco/output (mapv add-accu-ns accu_keys)}
(let [url (str accu_url_current_weather location-id "?apikey=" accu_api_key)
response-map (first (json/parse-string (slurp url) keyword))
{weather-text :WeatherText
time-local :LocalObservationDateTime
time-epoch :EpochTime
day? :IsDayTime} response-map
temp-metric-val (get-in response-map [:Temperature :Metric :Value])
temp-metric-unit (get-in response-map [:Temperature :Metric :Unit])
(zipmap (mapv add-accu-ns accu_keys) [ weather-text
(pco/defresolver is-it-cold?
"It receives an AccuWeather temperature and resolves to whether it is cold or not
Arguments: {:accu/temperature <Double>}
Return: {:accu/cold? <Boolean>}
[{:accu/keys [temperature-val]}]
;; ........................... body .......................................
{:accu/cold? (< temperature-val max-cold)})
;; check AccuWeather temperature to determine if it is hot
(pco/defresolver is-it-hot?
"It receives an AccuWeather temperature and resolves to whether it is hot or not
Arguments: {:accu/temperature <Double>}
Return: {:accu/hot? <Boolean>}
[{:accu/keys [temperature-val]}]
;; ........................... body .......................................
{:accu/hot? (> temperature-val min-hot)})
;; Register resolvers
(def indexes
(pci/register [ get-ip
;; set up environment and the connector for pathom-vis
(def CONNECT_PARSER? true)
;; Open Pathom Viz and then send the following expression to REPL
(cond-> indexes
; give your environment a unique parser-id, this will ensure reconnects work as expected
(p.connector/connect-env {::pvc/parser-id ::accu-geojs}))
;; ****************************************************************************************
;; Rich Comment Section
;; ****************************************************************************************
;; Testing resolvers
(ip->geocoords {:ip google-ip})
(geocoords->locationkey {:geojs/latitude "37.751", :geojs/longitude "-97.822"})
(locationkey->currentweather {:accu/location-id 2148551})
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; Queries using the Smart Map interface
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
;; Create pathom smart-map using pathom indexes and some initial data
(def smart-map (psm/smart-map indexes {:ip google-ip}))
;; Get the country that this IP is located
(:geojs/country smart-map)
;; Get the temperature at the place where this IP is located
(->> {:ip google-ip}
(psm/smart-map indexes)
;; Without any initial data, i.e. starting point
(:accu/temperature-val (psm/smart-map indexes))
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; Queries using the EQL interface
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
(p.eql/process indexes
; we can provide some initial data
{:ip google-ip}
; then we write an EQL query
; fetch geojs info
; ip of the machine we are doing the request is automatically extracted
(p.eql/process indexes
;; Without any initial data
; fetch temperature and local time at the place where the machine we are doing the request is located
(p.eql/process indexes
;; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
;; Queries using pathom.viz GUI EQL requests
;; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[{[:ip ""][:accu/temperature-val
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