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Created November 22, 2020 19:46
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Futhark Presentation for the /r/ProgrammingLanguages meetup
Troels Henriksen
November 22nd, 2020
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       22nd of November, 2020
  • Troels Henriksen (and many others)

  • DIKU - University of Copenhagen


The Need for Speed

We need performance more than ever!

  • But modern parallel machines (e.g. GPUs) are difficult to program.

We need to program in parallel!

  • But human brains are really poor at reasoning about massive concurrency.

Could we do nothing?

Could a sufficiently smart compiler automagically make our old code parallel? Probably not.

Is this parallel?

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  ys[i] = f(xs[i]);

. . .

Yes, but requires the compiler to perform index analysis to see it.

What about this one?

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  ys[i+1] = f(ys[i], xs[i]);

. . .

Yes, but I would be surprised if any parallelising compiler could detect it.

Write what you mean!

We express algorithms that have plenty of parallelism with a sequential vocabulary.

. . .

What if we improved our vocabulary?

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  ys[i] = f(xs[i]);            ⇨   let ys = map f xs

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  ys[i+1] = f(ys[i], xs[i]);   ⇨   let ys = scan f xs

The existing functional programming vocabulary is almost what we need.

There is hope!

  • Functional programming provides a programming model that is in principle parallel.

  • The trick is merely how to generate code that is also fast in practice.

Win some, lose some

  • We need a restricted functional language that omits complex features that are hard to implement efficiently...

  • ...but is still flexible enough to write the programs we care about.


A Language

  • Least common denominator purely functional hardware-agnostic language with parallel constructs.

  • Practical performance is the main goal, which carries many restrictions.

  • Syntax is a mix of Haskell and SML to ensure equal dislike by everybody.

. . .

A Compiler

  • Fusion, moderate flattening, and many other optimisations.

  • Focuses on efficient common case for now.

  • Generates GPU-optimised code via OpenCL or CUDA.

  • ... or multicore CPU code with pthreads.


Example: Dot Product

. . .

let dotprod [n] (xs: [n]i32) (ys: [n]i32): i32 =
  reduce (+) 0 (map2 (*) xs ys)

Example: Matrix Multiplication

. . .

let dotprod [n] (xs: [n]i32) (ys: [n]i32): i32 =
  reduce (+) 0 (map2 (*) xs ys)

let matmul [n][m][p] (a: [n][m]i32) (b: [m][p]i32): [n][p]i32 =
  map (\a_row ->
         map (\a_col ->
                dotprod a_row a_col)
             (transpose b))


Futhark's goal in one sentence

Be faster than everything that is more flexible, and more flexible than everything that is faster.

. . .

Not a goal

Taking over the world!

. . .

Futhark is not all-or-nothing

  • We don't want to replace all languages. (Nor could we.)

  • Futhark is for small performance-sensitive computational kernels. The rest of the application can remain unchanged.

Performance is a feature that makes all other features harder to implement

Higher-order functions are problematic

  • Normally implemented via function pointers.

  • GPUs do not (efficiently) support function pointers.

  • Indirect calls are slow even on CPUs.

. . .

Fortunately, the 70s were full of people who did not like function pointers either.

Defunctionalisation by John Reynolds (1972)

Basic idea:

  • Replace each lambda by a tagged data value that captures the free variables:

      \x -> x + y
        ⇨ Lam0 y
      \x -> z * x
        ⇨ Lam1 z

. . .

  • Replace function calls by case-switching over these funcstions

      f a
      ⇨ case f of Lam0 y -> a + y
                  Lam1 z -> z + a

. . .

Unfortunately, branches are also problematic!

Ensuring branch-free defunctionalisation

Type restrictions to ensure we always know which function is being called.

. . .

let f = if b1 then \x -> foo
        else if b2 then \x -> bar
        else ... \x -> baz
in... f y
  • Which function f is applied?

  • So we ban conditionals from returning functions.

Arrays may also not contain functions

let fs = [\y -> y+a, \z -> z*b, ...]
in... fs[i] 5
  • Which function fs[i] is applied?

Example of defunctionalisation

Original program:

let a = 1
let b = 2
let f = \x -> x+a
in f b

. . .


let a = 1
let b = 2
let f = {a=a} -- record that captures free variables
in f' f b

with lifted function

let f' env x =
  let a = env.a
  in x+a

The point

  • Restricting the language enables better code generation.

  • Crucial: the restrictions are easy to understand, checked by the type checker, and usually not a hindrance in practice

Let's talk about value representation

. . .

  • Futhark unboxes everything
  • Everything is call-by-value (except arrays)

A triple (a,b,c) is treated as three distinct values, kept in registers.

Arrays of tuples

  • Consider arrays of type [](i32, i8).
  • Since an i32 is four bytes and a i8 is one byte, how should Futhark store this in memory?

. . .

0          4    5          9    10...
│    i32   │ i8 │    i32   │ i8 │...

. . .

Problem: Unaligned access.

. . .

0          4          8          12         16
│    i32   │    i8    │    i32   │    i8    │...

Problem: Waste of memory.

Tuples of arrays

The Futhark compiler represents an array of type [n](t1, t2, t3...) as multiple arrays of types [n]t1, [n]t2, [n]t3...

0          4          8           12          16
│    i32   │    i32    │    i32   │    i32    │...

0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9
│ i8 │ i8 │ i8 │ i8 │ i8 │ i8 │ i8 │ i8 │ i8 │...
  • Common (and crucial) transformation.
  • Called "struct of arrays" in legacy languages.
  • Automatically done by the Futhark compiler.
  • Only affects internal language.



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