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Created February 23, 2018 10:12
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Heat equation in Bohrium/Numpy and Futhark
#!/usr/bin/env python
import bohrium
import bohrium as np
import pyopencl as cl
import time
w = 1000
h = 1000
def heat2d(height, width, epsilon):
G = np.zeros((height+2,width+2),dtype=np.float64)
G[:,0] = -273.15
G[:,-1] = -273.15
G[-1,:] = -273.15
G[0,:] = 40.0
center = G[1:-1,1:-1]
north = G[:-2,1:-1]
south = G[2:,1:-1]
east = G[1:-1,:-2]
west = G[1:-1,2:]
delta = epsilon+1
while delta > epsilon:
tmp = 0.2*(center+north+south+east+west)
delta = np.sum(np.abs(tmp-center))
center[:] = tmp
return center
bohrium_res = heat2d(w, h, epsilon)
import heat2d
ctx = bohrium.interop_pyopencl.get_context()
c = heat2d.heat2d(command_queue=cl.CommandQueue(ctx))
futhark_res = c.heat2d(w, h, epsilon).get()
print (np.all(bohrium_res == futhark_res))
-- Compile with 'futhark-pyopencl --library heat2d.fut'
entry heat2d (height: i32) (width: i32) (epsilon: f64) =
let G = replicate (height+2) (replicate (width+2) 0.0)
let G[:,0] = replicate (height+2) (-273.15)
let G[:,width+1] = replicate (height+2) (-273.15)
let G[height+1,:] = replicate (width+2) (-273.15)
let G[0,:] = replicate (width+2) 40.0
let delta = epsilon + 1.0
let (G', _) = loop (G, delta) while delta > epsilon do
let center = G[1:height+1,1:width+1]
let north = G[:height,1:width+1]
let south = G[2:, 1:width+1]
let east = G[1:height+1,:width]
let west = G[1:height+1,2:]
let tmp = map (\r -> map (\(c,n,s,e,w) -> 0.2 * (c + n + s + e + w)) r)
(zip@1 center north south east west)
let delta = reduce (+) 0.0 (map f64.abs (map (-) (flatten tmp) (flatten center)))
let G[1:height+1,1:width+1] = tmp
in (G, delta)
in G'[1:height+1,1:width+1]
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