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Created October 6, 2021 11:28
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API proposal for custom proofs in substrate
mod sp_io {
/// Determines in which exection mode we are.
enum Mode {
/// Standalone chain that does not have to deal with PoV at all.
/// Running on a parachain node (block building).
/// Running on a relay chain validator (block verification).
/// Determines in which exection mode we are.
/// # Note
/// I think we want to keep this function private and don't provide it to the rest of substrate.
/// Otherwise runtime developers could easily produce code which gets incompatible with
/// parachains. Instead, we want to provide abstractions like `get_with_custom_proof`.
fn mode() -> Mode {
// This would probably call some host function or access some global variable.
/// Reads the custom proof indexed by key from the PoV,
fn get_proof_for_key(_key: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
// This would look that up in some extra map in `ParachainHeadData`.
/// Removes the access to `key` from the main witness and replaces it by a custom proof.
fn replace_access(_key: &[u8], _proof: Vec<u8>) {
// This would propably call some host function to make that happen.
/// Normal storage access (redirected to PoV in PvF case).
fn get(_key: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
/// This is the API used by the runtime to access a storage which should not use the automatic
/// recording of storage accesses.
/// # Note
/// We might want to create a higher level abstraction on top of this (in `frame_support`) which
/// does not require creating a custom proof but provides a default proof system (trie).
pub fn access_with_custom_proof<R, B, V>(
key: &[u8],
build_proof: B,
validate_proof: V,
) -> Option<R>
// storage_value, out_proof -> result
B: Fn(Vec<u8>, Option<&mut Vec<u8>>) -> R,
// proof -> storage_value
V: Fn(Vec<u8>) -> R,
match mode() {
// In a standalone case no proof is collected hence `None` is passed.
Mode::Standalone => get(key).map(|value| build_proof(value, None)),
// We have access to storage to build a block. Get the value from storage
// and create a custom proof from it. This proof will be written to the PoV
// through `replace_access`. The original access is removed.
Mode::Parachain => get(key).map(|value| {
let mut proof = Vec::new();
let result = build_proof(value, Some(&mut proof));
replace_access(key, proof);
// We have no access to the original storage. Reconstruct the storage value
// from the custom proof which is read from the PoV by `get_proof_for_key`.
Mode::Pvf => get_proof_for_key(key).map(validate_proof),
mod pallet_contracts {
pub enum DispatchError {
type ContractResult = Result<u32, DispatchError>;
/// Load the merkle root of a contract code hash from a seperate storage map.
/// It was stored when the contract was deployed.
fn code_merkle_root(_code_hash: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
/// Execute the supplied wasm blob and create the proof while doing so.
/// We need to execute the code to create the proof: While executing we gather data
/// about which parts of the contract where actually executed. From that information
/// we can create a witness/proof with only the parts that were executed.
fn execute(_wasm_code: &[u8]) -> (Vec<u8>, u32) {
/// Create a proof/witness that can be emitted into the PoV.
fn build_proof(_merkle_root: &[u8], _coverage: &[u8], _wasm_code: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
/// Reconstruct a wasm module from the witness.
/// # Note
/// The validation can fail here when a collator sends an invalid proof as part of the
/// PoV. The problem is that the logic to verify this proof sits in the runtime (here).
/// How would we tell the client that the transaction is invalid?
fn validate_proof(_merkle_root: &[u8], _proof: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
/// This is the contract call dispatchable. It loads the contract from storage and executes it.
/// `code_hash` is the hash of the wasm blob and used to index the wasm blobs in storage.
pub fn call_contract(code_hash: &[u8]) -> ContractResult {
// We assume the wasm blob is stored directly at `code_hash`.
let exit_code = super::sp_io::access_with_custom_proof(
|wasm_code, proof| {
let (coverage, exit_code) = execute(&wasm_code);
if let Some(proof) = proof {
let merkle_root = code_merkle_root(code_hash);
*proof = build_proof(&merkle_root, &coverage, &wasm_code);
|proof| {
let merkle_root = code_merkle_root(code_hash);
let wasm_code =
validate_proof(&merkle_root, &proof).expect("See comment on `validate_proof`");
let (_, exit_code) = execute(&wasm_code);
fn main() {
let code = Vec::new();
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