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Last active January 2, 2016 13:59
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(defn- compound-rule [r1 r2]
(fn [type]
(fn [part]
(fn [x v]
(((r2 type) part) x (((r1 type) part) x v))))))
(defn- apply-rule [r x]
(if-let [f (r (:type x))]
(assoc x :contents
(mapcat (fn [[p v]] [p (or ((f p) x v) v)])
(:contents x)))
(declare render-nodes)
(defmulti ^:private prepare :type)
(defmethod prepare :whitespaces [r x]
[:raw (:raw x)])
(defmethod prepare :symbol [r x]
[:symbol (:symbol x)])
(defmethod prepare :number [r x]
[:number (:number x)])
(defmethod prepare :list [r x]
[:rparen "(" :nodes (render-nodes r (:nodes x)) :lparen ")"])
(defmethod prepare :vector [r x]
[:rbracket "[" :nodes (render-nodes r (:nodes x)) :lbracket "]"])
(defn render [r x]
(->> (prepare r x)
(assoc x :contents)
(apply-rule r)
(partition 2)
(map second)
(apply str))
(defn- render-nodes [r nodes]
(apply str (map #(render r %) nodes)))
(def fadeout-parens-rule
(letfn [(count-preceding-parens [x]
(loop [x x n 0]
(if (#{:list :vector :map} (:type x))
(recur (last (:nodes x)) (inc n))
(fadeout-parens [x v]
(let [colors {1 10, 2 10, 3 20, 4 30, 5 40}
color (or (colors (count-preceding-parens x)) 50)]
(terminal-256-color color v)))]
{:list {:rparen fadeout-parens}
:vector {:rbracket fadeout-parens}
:map {:rbrace fadeout-parens}}))
(def rainbow-parens-rule
(let [colors (atom (cycle (range 31 38)))
color-stack (atom nil)
open-fn (fn [x v]
(let [[color] @colors]
(swap! colors rest)
(swap! color-stack conj color)
(terminal-ansi-color color v)))
close-fn (fn [x v]
(let [[color] @color-stack]
(swap! color-stack rest)
(terminal-ansi-color color v)))]
{:list {:lparen open-fn, :rparen close-fn}
:vector {:lbracket open-fn, :rbracket close-fn}
:map {:lbrace open-fn, :rbrace close-fn}}))
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