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Forked from mzp/echo.html
Created February 18, 2011 14:39
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<style type="text/css">
.log {
color: red;
ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8080");
ws.onopen = function (e) {
var resultAreaObj = document.getElementById('result');
resultAreaObj.innerHTML += '<span class="log">onopen</span>' + '<br>'
ws.onclose = function (e) {
var resultAreaObj = document.getElementById('result');
resultAreaObj.innerHTML += '<span class="log">onclose</span>' + '<br>'
ws.onmessage = function (e) {
var resultAreaObj = document.getElementById('result');
resultAreaObj.innerHTML += + '<br>'
ws.onerror = function () {
var resultAreaObj = document.getElementById('result');
resultAreaObj.innerHTML += '<span class="log">onerror</span>' + '<br>'
send = function () {
var textFieldObj = document.getElementById('textField');
var data = textFieldObj.value;
if (data) {
textFieldObj.value = '';
<input type='text' id='textField'/>
<button onclick='send();'>send</button><br>
<button onclick='ws.close();'>close</button>
<div id='result'></div>
; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
(ns websocket
(use [clojure.contrib.server-socket :only (create-server)]
[ :only (reader with-out-writer *byte-array-type*)]
[clojure.string :only (split lower-case join)]
[clojure.contrib.command-line :only (with-command-line)]
[clojure.test :only (deftest are)])
(require [clojure.contrib.logging :as log])
(import [java.nio ByteBuffer]
[ MessageDigest]))
(def *origin* nil)
(def *port* nil)
(def *protocol* nil)
(def *resource* nil)
(defn bytes->hex-string [bs]
(join (map #(format "%02x" (if (< % 0) (+ % 256) %)) (seq bs))))
(defn string->bytes [s]
(.getBytes s "ISO-8859-1"))
(defn bytes->string
([bs] (bytes->string bs (count bs)))
([bs size]
(String. bs 0 size "ISO-8859-1")))
(defn send-data [out x]
(cond (string? x)
(.write out (string->bytes x))
(= (class x) *byte-array-type*)
(.write out x))
(.flush out))
(defn read-block [in]
(let [buf (byte-array 1024)
size (.read in buf)]
(if-not (<= size 0)
(bytes->string buf size))))
(defn read-lines [in]
(split (read-block in) #"\r\n"))
(defn parse-request [request]
(loop [[field & fields] request, ret {}]
(if (= field "")
[ret (string->bytes (first fields))]
(let [[name val] (split field #": ")]
(recur fields (assoc ret (lower-case name) val))))))
(defn decode [key]
(letfn [(convert [x]
(let [MAX Integer/MAX_VALUE]
(int (or (and (<= x MAX) x)
(- x (* 2 (+ MAX 1)))))))]
(/ (Long/parseLong (join (filter #(Character/isDigit %) key)))
(reduce #(if (= %2 \space) (inc %1) %1) 0 key)))))
(defn challenge-response [key1 key2 key]
(let [buf (ByteBuffer/allocate 16)
md5 (MessageDigest/getInstance "MD5")]
(doto buf
(.putInt key1)
(.putInt key2)
(.put key))
(.update md5 (.array buf))
(.digest md5)))
(defn handshake-response-body [request]
(let [[fields key] (parse-request request)
key1 (decode (fields "sec-websocket-key1"))
key2 (decode (fields "sec-websocket-key2"))]
(challenge-response key1 key2 key)))
(defn send-handshake [out response-body]
(let [location (str "ws://localhost"
(if *port* (str ":" *port*) "")
header (join `["HTTP/1.1 101 WebSocket Protocol Handshake\r\n"
"Upgrade: WebSocket\r\n"
"Connection: Upgrade\r\n"
"Sec-WebSocket-Origin: " ~*origin* "\r\n"
"Sec-WebSocket-Location: " ~location "\r\n"
~@(if *protocol*
["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: " *protocol* "\r\n"])
(send-data out header)
(send-data out response-body)))
(defn main-loop [in out]
(letfn [(disconnect []
(log/info "コネクションを切断します")
(send-data out "\377\000"))]
(let [msg (read-block in)]
(if (nil? msg)
(let [[_ body] (re-matches #"\00(.*)\0377" msg)]
(if (nil? body)
(do (log/info (format "[%s]" body))
(send-data out (str "\000" body "\377"))
(recur in out))))))))
(defn handle-request [in out]
(let [request (read-lines in)]
(log/info "ハンドシェイクデータを受信")
(let [body (handshake-response-body request)]
(send-handshake out body))
(main-loop in out)))
(deftest test-challenge-response
(are [x y] (= (seq x) (seq y))
(challenge-response (decode "2 76K 348 2 1 Y2 8' #")
(decode "?120 743 9 9 6 [5")
(string->bytes "\230\367B\234\377\372R\215"))
(string->bytes "%\213\233q)!\025$\200N\255\261'KB\375")
(challenge-response (decode "3y7 $ 6 I ,0 25C%Q23I2%")
(decode "4V14o{2F 2c0Uw 7 09C7")
(string->bytes "\020\347\210\017\304\264v\267"))
(string->bytes "?\224\271\201U\2539\0210\0356\375\245m\023!")))
(defn main [args]
(with-command-line args
"websocket.clj -- a simple echo server by WebSocket"
[[port p "ポート番号" "8080"]
[subprotocol s "サブプロトコル名"]
[resource r "リソース" "/"]
(cond (< (count args) 1)
(throw (RuntimeException. "Too few arguments"))
(> (count args) 1)
(throw (RuntimeException. "Too many arguments")))
(println "Ctrl-cで終了します")
(create-server (Integer/parseInt port)
(fn [in out]
(binding [*origin* (first args)
*port* port
*protocol* subprotocol
*resource* resource]
(handle-request in out))))))
(main *command-line-args*)
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