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Created May 10, 2020 13:32
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(def cs [:a :b :c])
(defn ^:dynamic S [k]
(if-let [key (get cs (dec k))]
(assoc (zipmap cs (repeat 0)) key 1 :n 1)
(let [children (map S (range (- k 3) k))]
(-> (apply merge-with + (map #(dissoc % :children) children))
(assoc :children children)))))
(defn solve* [t s e acc]
(if-let [children (:children t)]
(loop [i 0, [{:keys [n] :as child} & more] children, acc acc]
(if child
(let [i' (+ i n)]
(cond (<= i' s) (recur i' more acc)
(< i e)
(let [s' (max 0 (- s i)), e' (min n (- e i))]
(if (and (= s' 0) (= e' n))
(recur i' more (merge-with + acc (dissoc child :n :children)))
(recur i' more (solve* child s' e' acc))))
:else acc))
(merge-with + acc (dissoc t :n))))
(defn solve [n s e]
(binding [S (memoize S)]
(solve* (S n) (dec s) e {})))
(solve 2 1 1)
;=> {:a 0, :b 1, :c 0}
(solve 4 1 3)
;=> {:a 1, :b 1, :c 1}
(solve 5 1 5)
;=> {:a 1, :b 2, :c 2}
(solve 42 1366704551 15256729588)
;=> {:a 3169085520, :b 4892082497, :c 5828857021}
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