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atiaxi / VR UI Notes
Last active September 12, 2016 19:04
One canvas. Its render mode is 'world space', it has a 1->100 canvas scaler and a graphic raycaster
Its transform is just where it is in world space
Its width and height appear to be 'pixel' width and heights, 300x500. This may be what the
world scaler is about.
But its transform also appears to have a scale factor of 0.005 (on all)
To make text pretty, up the 'Dynamic Pixels Per Unit' to e.g. 3
Attached to pointing controller:
"regions": {
"fenix": {
"owner": 0,
"battle": "none"
"aegis": {
"owner": 1,
"battle": "none"

Configuration Reference

Cassandra Authentication Parameters


(Default: DefaultAuthConfFactory)

name of a Scala module or class implementing AuthConfFactory providing custom authentication configuration

import json
def timeit(event)
atime = time.time()
btime = time.time()
logger.debug("%s took %d" % (event, btime-atime))
with timeit("EmailAddressClaimantHistory"):

What's all this then?

This is the recruitment thread for the wars between Orangered and Periwinkle. If you want to join, all you have to do is make a comment here, and the bot will add you to one of the two teams.

  • How does it work? The generals of OR and PW will invade other territories. Hop into one of the invasion threads when you see them and join the fight!

  • How do I know where invasions are happening? The sidebar of /r/chromanauts will always have the most up-to-date status of all the territories.

  • Where are these territories? Here's a map!.

atiaxi /
Last active September 7, 2016 04:47
import praw
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError, HTTPError, Timeout
def failable(f):
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
return f(*args, **kwargs)
except praw.errors.APIException:
full = traceback.format_exc()
logging.warning("Reddit API call failed! %s" % full) finefoods.txt

Parses the specific format of finefoods.txt and populates the 'reviews' table. finefoods.txt

The finefoods.txt file doesn't actually include product information, just ASINs. This script spawns 10 threads to scrape data from a service that takes ASINs and returns product information (name, description, and images). This creates a .csv file specifically formatted for the CQL "COPY" command, in order to populate the 'products' table

import json
class Blarg:
def __init__(self, something=1):
self.werg = {"another thing": 1}
def to_json(self):
return json.dumps({
"something": self.something,
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#### PEP8:
Created on Sun Dec 14 14:49:05 2014
@author: boggs
Module to retrieve defensive buffs from Chromeconomist's DB