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Created April 20, 2015 15:36
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Maybe monad in D
import std.stdio;
import std.traits;
import std.conv;
struct Maybe(T) {
T payload;
private bool _just;
auto just(T)(T t) pure nothrow {
return Maybe!T(t, true);
auto nothing(T)() pure nothrow {
return Maybe!T(T.init, false);
auto bind(alias F, T)(auto ref Maybe!T maybe) {
return maybe._just ? F(maybe.payload) : nothing!T;
class MyClass {
private int i;
this(int i) pure nothrow const { this.i = i;}
override string toString() pure const { return "MyClass(" ~!string ~ ")";}
void main() {
writeln("value of Just(5): ", just(5).bind!(a => just(a * 2)).bind!(a => just(a * 3)));
writeln("value of Nothing: ", nothing!int.bind!(a => just(a * 2)).bind!(a => just(a * 3)));
writeln("just class: ", just(new MyClass(5)).bind!(a => just(new MyClass(a.i * 2))).bind!(a => just(new MyClass(a.i * 3))));
MyClass oops; //null
writeln("noth class: ", nothing!MyClass.bind!(a => just(new MyClass(a.i * 2))).bind!(a => just(new MyClass(a.i * 3))));
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