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Last active May 14, 2019 14:32
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Media query sass helper. Generate basic media query defined by constant breakpoints (xs, sm, md, lg) or by exact value. You can test it here
@media (min-width: 360px) and (max-width: 991px) {
body {
color: blue;
@media (min-width: 576px) {
body {
color: red;
@media (min-width: 576px) and (orientation: landscape) {
body {
color: green;
$breakpoints: (
xs: 576px,
sm: 768px,
md: 992px,
lg: 1200px
// usage: @include media-query(sm, md) { ... }
@mixin media-query($minimum, $maximum: false, $orientation: false) {
$maximum-breakpoint: false;
$minimum-breakpoint: $minimum;
// is maximum set?
@if map-has-key($breakpoints, $maximum) {
$maximum-breakpoint: (map-get($breakpoints, $maximum) - 1);
} @else if ($maximum != false) {
$maximum-breakpoint: ($maximum - 1);
// get minimum value
@if map-has-key($breakpoints, $minimum) {
$minimum-breakpoint: map-get($breakpoints, $minimum);
// media query
@media (min-width: $minimum-breakpoint) {
@if $maximum-breakpoint {
@media (max-width: $maximum-breakpoint) {
@if $orientation {
@media (orientation: $orientation) {
} @else {
} @else if $orientation {
@media (orientation: $orientation) {
} @else {
@include media-query(360px, md) {
body { color: blue; }
@include media-query(xs) {
body { color: red; }
@include media-query(xs, false, landscape) {
body { color: green; }
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