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Created May 4, 2016 11:25
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// golfed-down JS code to calculate the date of easter sunday for a given year
// based on the Gaussian Easter Formula (
function(y){var a=y%19,b=(19*a+24)%30,d=b+(2*(y%4)+4*(y%7)+6*b+5)%7;d-=d^35&(d^34|b^28|a<11)?0:7;y=new Date(y,2,22+d);return y}
y // year input, later used as date object / return value
// calculate moon parameter
var a = y % 19,
// get the seed for the first full moon in spring
b = (19 * a + 24) % 30,
// day correction for sunday
d = b + (2 * (y % 4) + 4 * (y % 7) + 6 * b + 5) % 7;
// exceptions: d must not be 35 and not 34 if b is also 28 and a < 11
d -= d ^ 35 & (d ^ 34 | b ^ 28 | a < 11) ? 0 : 7;
// create date object; use the interesting property that you can set dates beyond the
y = new Date(y, 2, 22 + d);
// return easter date
return y
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