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Created April 14, 2020 22:34
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Retrieves a json body of the few thousand most common pizza topping combos. This fetches, flattens, and sorts the collection into a Map, and returns the top 20 individual toppings. Solution is 280B.
import f from 'node-fetch';
let M=new Map();
// Returns this:
[ 'pepperoni', 6334 ],
[ 'four cheese', 1610 ],
[ 'mozzarella cheese', 1460 ],
[ 'bacon', 1446 ],
[ 'beef', 1139 ],
[ 'sausage', 830 ],
[ 'mushrooms', 732 ],
[ 'italian sausage', 671 ],
[ 'black olives', 455 ],
[ 'chicken', 400 ],
[ 'pineapple', 359 ],
[ 'ham', 340 ],
[ 'jalapenos', 257 ],
[ 'green peppers', 205 ],
[ 'canadian bacon', 173 ],
[ 'diced white onions', 167 ],
[ 'cheddar cheese', 153 ],
[ 'diced tomatoes', 127 ],
[ 'alredo sauce', 126 ],
[ 'onions', 120 ]
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