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Created October 14, 2012 22:13
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coffeescript canvas animation
class Blob
constructor: (@x, @y, @app)->
@xAcceleration = Math.random() - 0.5
@yAcceleration = Math.random() - 0.5
draw: =>
@x += @xAcceleration
@y += @yAcceleration
@x = -5 if @x > @app.width + 5
@x = @app.width + 5 if @x < -5
@y = -5 if @y > @app.height + 5
@y = @app.height + 5 if @y < -5
@app.ctx.fillRect Math.round(@x), Math.round(@y), 5, 5
class Blobs
constructor: (@app)->
@collection = []
@new() for i in [1..26]
draw: =>
@app.ctx.fillStyle = '#333'
obj.draw() for obj in @collection
new: ->
@collection.push new Blob Math.round(Math.random() * @app.width), Math.round(Math.random() * @app.height), @app
class App
constructor: ->
@canvas = $ 'canvas'
@ctx = @canvas[0].getContext '2d'
@height = @canvas.height()
@canvas[0].height = @height
$(window).resize @resize
@blobs = new Blobs @
animate: =>
@ctx.fillStyle = 'white'
@ctx.fillRect 0, 0, @width, @height
requestAnimationFrame @animate
calculateWidth: ->
@width = @canvas.width() - 1
@canvas[0].width = @width
$ -> = new App
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