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Created May 26, 2014 13:16
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How to calculate MaxResolution for WMTS given info in GetCapabilities

For using an arbitrary WMTS-server in OpenLayers you need two values:

  • The MaxResolution
  • A bounds object

Given a WMTS response with a TileMatrixSet defined as:

        <ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>
        <TopLeftCorner>-1.8133594E7 1.07763E7</TopLeftCorner>

And the constant:

StandardizedRenderingPixelSize = 0.00028

We are able to calculate these properties, as follows:

###Getting initial values

From the first TileMatrix, we get the following properties:

ScaleDenominator (SD) = 5.0601127250000006E8


top  =  1.07763E7
left = -1.8133594E7


TileWidth: 256
MatrixWidth: 1
TileHeight: 256
MatrixHeight: 1

###Formulas We know the following formulas:

WidthRealWorld = rightRW - leftRW

HeightRealWorld = top RW - bottom RW

WidthPixel = TileWidth * MatrixWidth

HeightPixel = TileHeight * MatrixHeight

MaxResolution = WidthRealWorld / WidthPixel 

ScaleDenominator = PixelWith / StandardizedRenderingPixelSize

PixelWith = WidthRealWorld / WidthPixel

###Deriving more formulas This gives:

ScaleDenominator = (WidthRealWorld / WidthPixel) / StandardizedRenderingPixelSize

Solve this for WidthRealWorld:

WidthRealWorld = ScaleDenominator * WidthPixel * StandardizedRenderingPixelSize

Solve this for right RW:

rightRW = WidthRealWorld + leftRW


rightRW = (ScaleDenominator * WidthPixel * StandardizedRenderingPixelSize) +  leftRW

For bottom RW we have the same:

bottomRW = topRW - (ScaleDenominator * HeightPixel * StandardizedRenderingPixelSize) 

And for MaxScale

MaxResolution = (rightRW - leftRW) / WidthPixel = (topRW - bottomRW) / HeightPixel

In JavaScript:

function getBoundsAndMaxResForWMTS(scaleDenominator, topLeftCorner, tileWidth, matrixWidth, tileHeight, matrixHeight) {

    var standardizedRenderingPixelSize = 0.00028;

    var widthPixel = tileWidth * matrixWidth;
    var heightPixel = tileHeight * matrixHeight;

    var right = (scaleDenominator * widthPixel * standardizedRenderingPixelSize) +  topLeftCorner.x;
    var bottom = topLeftCorner.y - (scaleDenominator * heightPixel * standardizedRenderingPixelSize) ;
    var bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(topLeftCorner.x, bottom, right, topLeftCorner.y);
    var maxResolutionW = Math.round((right - topLeftCorner.x) / widthPixel);
    var maxResolutionH = Math.round((topLeftCorner.y - bottom) / heightPixel);

    if (maxResolutionW !== maxResolutionH) {
        throw new Error('Could not calculate ');

    return {
        bounds: bounds,
        maxResolution: maxResolutionW
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