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Last active December 23, 2015 18:39
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can i make this sortable or BETTER HELPppp
State 25 years old w/o subsidy 25 years old w/ subsidy 40 years old w/o subsidy 40 years old w/ subsidy 60 years old w/o subsidy 60 years old w/ subsidy
CT 258.0 193.0 258.0 193.0 697.0 193.0
DC 180.0 180.0 180.0 180.0 521.0 193.0
MD 179.0 179.0 179.0 179.0 484.0 193.0
ME 232.0 193.0 232.0 193.0 626.0 193.0
NY 390.0 193.0 390.0 193.0 390.0 193.0
RI 230.0 193.0 230.0 193.0 622.0 193.0
VA 199.0 193.0 199.0 193.0 537.0 193.0
VT 413.0 193.0 413.0 193.0 413.0 193.0
IN 232.0 193.0 232.0 193.0 626.0 193.0
MT 203.0 193.0 203.0 193.0 548.0 193.0
NE 213.0 193.0 213.0 193.0 576.0 193.0
OH 196.0 193.0 196.0 193.0 529.0 193.0
SD 207.0 193.0 207.0 193.0 561.0 193.0
NM 167.0 167.0 167.0 167.0 450.0 193.0
CA 200.0 193.0 200.0 193.0 541.0 193.0
CO 196.0 193.0 196.0 193.0 531.0 193.0
OR 158.0 158.0 158.0 158.0 427.0 193.0
WA 222.0 193.0 222.0 193.0 601.0 193.0
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<p id="chart">
<p id="menu"><b>Filter States by Age Group</b><br>Age: <select></select>
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