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Last active December 10, 2016 13:54
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A Simple function to return Hex Color Code base on google material design colors , thanks to . to see all colors check
* A Simple function to return Hex Color Code base on google material design colors
* thanks to
* to see all colors : .
* check the code for the White and Black , there is more Options
* @param string $color the color name , just replace any spaces with _ as : Deep Purple => Deep_Purple
* @param string $accent the accent of the color you want like 900 or A700 . default is 500
* @return string
function getMaterialColors($color, $accent = 500)
$GoogleMaterialColors = [
'Red' => [
'50' => '#FFEBEE',
'100' => '#FFCDD2',
'200' => '#EF9A9A',
'300' => '#E57373',
'400' => '#EF5350',
'500' => '#F44336',
'600' => '#E53935',
'700' => '#D32F2F',
'800' => '#C62828',
'900' => '#B71C1C',
'A100' => '#FF8A80',
'A200' => '#FF5252',
'A400' => '#FF1744',
'A700' => '#D50000',
'Pink' => [
'50' => '#FCE4EC',
'100' => '#F8BBD0',
'200' => '#F48FB1',
'300' => '#F06292',
'400' => '#EC407A',
'500' => '#E91E63',
'600' => '#D81B60',
'700' => '#C2185B',
'800' => '#AD1457',
'900' => '#880E4F',
'A100' => '#FF80AB',
'A200' => '#FF4081',
'A400' => '#F50057',
'A700' => '#C51162',
'Purple' => [
'50' => '#F3E5F5',
'100' => '#E1BEE7',
'200' => '#CE93D8',
'300' => '#BA68C8',
'400' => '#AB47BC',
'500' => '#9C27B0',
'600' => '#8E24AA',
'700' => '#7B1FA2',
'800' => '#6A1B9A',
'900' => '#4A148C',
'A100' => '#EA80FC',
'A200' => '#E040FB',
'A400' => '#D500F9',
'A700' => '#AA00FF',
'Deep_Purple' => [
'50' => '#EDE7F6',
'100' => '#D1C4E9',
'200' => '#B39DDB',
'300' => '#9575CD',
'400' => '#7E57C2',
'500' => '#673AB7',
'600' => '#5E35B1',
'700' => '#512DA8',
'800' => '#4527A0',
'900' => '#311B92',
'A100' => '#B388FF',
'A200' => '#7C4DFF',
'A400' => '#651FFF',
'A700' => '#6200EA',
'Indigo' => [
'50' => '#E8EAF6',
'100' => '#C5CAE9',
'200' => '#9FA8DA',
'300' => '#7986CB',
'400' => '#5C6BC0',
'500' => '#3F51B5',
'600' => '#3949AB',
'700' => '#303F9F',
'800' => '#283593',
'900' => '#1A237E',
'A100' => '#8C9EFF',
'A200' => '#536DFE',
'A400' => '#3D5AFE',
'A700' => '#304FFE',
'Blue' => [
'50' => '#E3F2FD',
'100' => '#BBDEFB',
'200' => '#90CAF9',
'300' => '#64B5F6',
'400' => '#42A5F5',
'500' => '#2196F3',
'600' => '#1E88E5',
'700' => '#1976D2',
'800' => '#1565C0',
'900' => '#0D47A1',
'A100' => '#82B1FF',
'A200' => '#448AFF',
'A400' => '#2979FF',
'A700' => '#2962FF',
'Light_Blue' => [
'50' => '#E1F5FE',
'100' => '#B3E5FC',
'200' => '#81D4FA',
'300' => '#4FC3F7',
'400' => '#29B6F6',
'500' => '#03A9F4',
'600' => '#039BE5',
'700' => '#0288D1',
'800' => '#0277BD',
'900' => '#01579B',
'A100' => '#80D8FF',
'A200' => '#40C4FF',
'A400' => '#00B0FF',
'A700' => '#0091EA',
'Cyan' => [
'50' => '#E0F7FA',
'100' => '#B2EBF2',
'200' => '#80DEEA',
'300' => '#4DD0E1',
'400' => '#26C6DA',
'500' => '#00BCD4',
'600' => '#00ACC1',
'700' => '#0097A7',
'800' => '#00838F',
'900' => '#006064',
'A100' => '#84FFFF',
'A200' => '#18FFFF',
'A400' => '#00E5FF',
'A700' => '#00B8D4',
'Teal' => [
'50' => '#E0F2F1',
'100' => '#B2DFDB',
'200' => '#80CBC4',
'300' => '#4DB6AC',
'400' => '#26A69A',
'500' => '#009688',
'600' => '#00897B',
'700' => '#00796B',
'800' => '#00695C',
'900' => '#004D40',
'A100' => '#A7FFEB',
'A200' => '#64FFDA',
'A400' => '#1DE9B6',
'A700' => '#00BFA5',
'Green' => [
'50' => '#E8F5E9',
'100' => '#C8E6C9',
'200' => '#A5D6A7',
'300' => '#81C784',
'400' => '#66BB6A',
'500' => '#4CAF50',
'600' => '#43A047',
'700' => '#388E3C',
'800' => '#2E7D32',
'900' => '#1B5E20',
'A100' => '#B9F6CA',
'A200' => '#69F0AE',
'A400' => '#00E676',
'A700' => '#00C853',
'Light_Green' => [
'50' => '#F1F8E9',
'100' => '#DCEDC8',
'200' => '#C5E1A5',
'300' => '#AED581',
'400' => '#9CCC65',
'500' => '#8BC34A',
'600' => '#7CB342',
'700' => '#689F38',
'800' => '#558B2F',
'900' => '#33691E',
'A100' => '#CCFF90',
'A200' => '#B2FF59',
'A400' => '#76FF03',
'A700' => '#64DD17',
'Lime' => [
'50' => '#F9FBE7',
'100' => '#F0F4C3',
'200' => '#E6EE9C',
'300' => '#DCE775',
'400' => '#D4E157',
'500' => '#CDDC39',
'600' => '#C0CA33',
'700' => '#AFB42B',
'800' => '#9E9D24',
'900' => '#827717',
'A100' => '#F4FF81',
'A200' => '#EEFF41',
'A400' => '#C6FF00',
'A700' => '#AEEA00',
'Yellow' => [
'50' => '#FFFDE7',
'100' => '#FFF9C4',
'200' => '#FFF59D',
'300' => '#FFF176',
'400' => '#FFEE58',
'500' => '#FFEB3B',
'600' => '#FDD835',
'700' => '#FBC02D',
'800' => '#F9A825',
'900' => '#F57F17',
'A100' => '#FFFF8D',
'A200' => '#FFFF00',
'A400' => '#FFEA00',
'A700' => '#FFD600',
'Amber' => [
'50' => '#FFF8E1',
'100' => '#FFECB3',
'200' => '#FFE082',
'300' => '#FFD54F',
'400' => '#FFCA28',
'500' => '#FFC107',
'600' => '#FFB300',
'700' => '#FFA000',
'800' => '#FF8F00',
'900' => '#FF6F00',
'A100' => '#FFE57F',
'A200' => '#FFD740',
'A400' => '#FFC400',
'A700' => '#FFAB00',
'Orange' => [
'50' => '#FFF3E0',
'100' => '#FFE0B2',
'200' => '#FFCC80',
'300' => '#FFB74D',
'400' => '#FFA726',
'500' => '#FF9800',
'600' => '#FB8C00',
'700' => '#F57C00',
'800' => '#EF6C00',
'900' => '#E65100',
'A100' => '#FFD180',
'A200' => '#FFAB40',
'A400' => '#FF9100',
'A700' => '#FF6D00',
'Deep_Orange' => [
'50' => '#FBE9E7',
'100' => '#FFCCBC',
'200' => '#FFAB91',
'300' => '#FF8A65',
'400' => '#FF7043',
'500' => '#FF5722',
'600' => '#F4511E',
'700' => '#E64A19',
'800' => '#D84315',
'900' => '#BF360C',
'A100' => '#FF9E80',
'A200' => '#FF6E40',
'A400' => '#FF3D00',
'A700' => '#DD2C00',
'Brown' => [
'50' => '#EFEBE9',
'100' => '#D7CCC8',
'200' => '#BCAAA4',
'300' => '#A1887F',
'400' => '#8D6E63',
'500' => '#795548',
'600' => '#6D4C41',
'700' => '#5D4037',
'800' => '#4E342E',
'900' => '#3E2723',
'Grey' => [
'50' => '#FAFAFA',
'100' => '#F5F5F5',
'200' => '#EEEEEE',
'300' => '#E0E0E0',
'400' => '#BDBDBD',
'500' => '#9E9E9E',
'600' => '#757575',
'700' => '#616161',
'800' => '#424242',
'900' => '#212121',
'Blue_Grey' => [
'50' => '#ECEFF1',
'100' => '#CFD8DC',
'200' => '#B0BEC5',
'300' => '#90A4AE',
'400' => '#78909C',
'500' => '#607D8B',
'600' => '#546E7A',
'700' => '#455A64',
'800' => '#37474F',
'900' => '#263238',
'Black' => [
'500' => '#000000',
'Text' => 'rgba(0,0,0,0.87)',
'Secondary_Text' => 'rgba(0,0,0,0.54)',
'Icons' => 'rgba(0,0,0,0.54)',
'Disabled' => 'rgba(0,0,0,0.26)',
'Hint_Text' => 'rgba(0,0,0,0.26)',
'Dividers' => 'rgba(0,0,0,0.12)',
'White' => [
'500' => '#ffffff',
'Text' => '#ffffff',
'Secondary_Text' => 'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)',
'Icons' => '#ffffff',
'Disabled' => 'rgba(255,255,255,0.3)',
'Hint_Text' => 'rgba(255,255,255,0.3)',
'Dividers' => 'rgba(255,255,255,0.12)',
if (isset($GoogleMaterialColors[$color]) && isset($GoogleMaterialColors[$color][$accent])) {
$return = $GoogleMaterialColors[$color][$accent];
} else {
$return = '#000';
return $return;
// Usage : getMaterialColors('Indigo','A200'); // #536DFE
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