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Last active December 28, 2015 04:39
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Vim demo agenda
Starting out
$ vim -u NONE
:syntax on # minimal configuration so we're all on the same page
$ vimtutor
the dot command (:h .)
- don't repeat yourself
undo (:h undo-commands)
- u
- <c-r>
completion (:h ins-completion)
- i_CTRL-N
- i_CTRL-P
- normal (:h Normal-mode)
- insert (:h Insert-mode)
- visual (:h visual-mode)
- o gets you to other side of selection
More Advanced
motions (:h {motion})
- :set incsearch
- {}
- fF tT ;,
- <c-o> <c-i> (:h jump-motions)
windows (:h open-window)
- CTRL-W_s
- CTRL-W_v
- CTRL-W_{h,j,k,l}
quickfix list (:h quickfix)
- :make
- :grep
- :copen :cclose :cnext :cprev
filtering (:h !)
- $ sudo apt-get install indent
tags (:h tags)
- $ sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags
- <c-]>
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