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Created March 29, 2018 15:02
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Example of 3D parametrization with OpenSCAD
© 2018 Antonio Bueno
The content of this file is licensed under the terms of the MIT
license: <>
DESCRIPTION: An example of 3D parametrization a.k.a. how to wrap
a bidimentional interval around a 3D shape. The code below makes
a weak attempt to minimize the distortion of the triangulation,
choosing between the two possible diagonals of each rectangle.
Last modification: 2018-03-29
// configuration
x_min = -180;
x_max = 180;
y_min = -180;
y_max = 180;
// example of parametrization found at
function f(x,y) = [
$fn = 100;
x_steps = $fn; // this should be a positive integer
y_steps = $fn; // this should be a positive integer
// variables for code readability
x_step = (x_max-x_min)/x_steps;
x_values = [x_min:x_step:x_max+x_step/2]; // +x_step/2 ensures x_max is reached
y_step = (y_max-y_min)/y_steps;
y_values = [y_min:y_step:y_max+y_step/2]; // +y_step/2 ensures y_max is reached
// points to move
points = [ for (y = y_values, x = x_values) f(x, y) ];
echo(str(len(points), " points"));
// faces using those points
lower_triangles = [ for (i = [1:x_steps], j = [1:y_steps])
if (norm(points[i+(x_steps+1)*(j-1)]-points[i-1+(x_steps+1)*j]) < norm(points[i-1+(x_steps+1)*(j-1)]-points[i+(x_steps+1)*j]))
[i-1+(x_steps+1)*(j-1), i+(x_steps+1)*(j-1), i-1+(x_steps+1)*j]
[i-1+(x_steps+1)*(j-1), i+(x_steps+1)*(j-1), i+(x_steps+1)*j] // middle edge flipping
upper_triangles = [ for (i = [1:x_steps], j = [1:y_steps])
if (norm(points[i+(x_steps+1)*(j-1)]-points[i-1+(x_steps+1)*j]) < norm(points[i-1+(x_steps+1)*(j-1)]-points[i+(x_steps+1)*j]))
[i+(x_steps+1)*(j-1), i+(x_steps+1)*j, i-1+(x_steps+1)*j]
[i-1+(x_steps+1)*(j-1), i+(x_steps+1)*j, i-1+(x_steps+1)*j] // middle edge flipping
triangles = concat(lower_triangles, upper_triangles);
echo(str(len(triangles), " faces"));
// draw result of parametrization
polyhedron(points, triangles);
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