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Alex Tomic atomic77

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This is a fast, but incomplete, parser for JSON-based wikibase dump files that I wrote to extract large amounts of info without having to load them into a database. I don't think I'll have enough time to turn this into a full-fledged Rust library for the wikibase format, so I'm posting it as a Gist in case it's useful to someone in its current state.

It can be used to filter entries based on a claim, and extract out only desired properties. By default, it reads from stdin as a single page per line.

For example, to select the birth and death time (properties P569, P570) for all instances of (claim Q5) human-being (property P31):

$ zcat latest-all.json.gz | head -6 | cargo run --release -- --filter-property P31 --filter-claim Q5 --select-properties P569 P570
atomic77 / GHCN_to_Pandas.ipynb
Last active November 9, 2020 03:06
Convert GHCN weather data files to pandas dataframes
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Setting up an Armbian build server with Multipass

In order to build an Armbian image from scratch, whether for development purposes or to apply user customizations on top of a base image, a build environment is required. Per the Armbian documentation, Ubuntu 20.04 is the officially supported build platform.

There is some support for Docker, though in my tests this has been a suboptimal experience. Even if you have access to Ubuntu 20.04 as your bare metal machine, the build process makes liberal use of sudo throughout, so it's probably not a bad idea to isolate the build process with a VM in any case.

Since the build environment is designed for Ubuntu, the flexibility (and complication) of using Vagrant to provision a VM seems a bit much when there is Multipass available that is desi

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am atomic77 on github.
  • I am atomic77 ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASA9S2fRpL4G-gqywe3U0PCO6UOG_DuOaCpBZgEZKLA-oAo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

atomic77 /
Created March 18, 2017 20:16
Loading wikimedia dumps into Elasticsearch

Wikipedia uses elasticsearch in production for full-text search after moving from a homegrown tool based on Lucene. Snapshots for easy bulk import are available for all the various datasets - much easier to work with than the SQL and XML dumps!

Tested with italian wikinews - everything seems to be loaded into a page document type. Not entirely sure what the timestamp field is, but seems like the last time the page was changed?