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Created December 4, 2013 23:39
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import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
// Format of formulas: [(](shorthand|longhand)[count][)][count]
// shorthand is case sensitive and is the symbol notation (e.g. C for Carbon, Co for Cobalt and Hg for Lead)
// longhand is the full element name and is not case sensitive (e.g. Carbon, CARBON, CaRBoN, lead)
// If a count is left out, it's implicitly '1', else you can put a count after a shorthand or longhand element
// You can group element with parenthesis and apply counts to the groups. (e.g. C2(HO)2)
// Any other symbols are stripped from the formula (e.g. -, +). Leaving them in does no harm
// The output is a map from the capitalized element name as a string, to it's count
public class FormulaParser {
public static String symbols_map =
"H Hydrogen\n" +
"He Helium\n" +
"Li Lithium\n" +
"Be Beryllium\n" +
"B Boron\n" +
"C Carbon\n" +
"N Nitrogen\n" +
"O Oxygen\n" +
"F Fluorine\n" +
"Ne Neon\n" +
"Na Sodium\n" +
"Mg Magnesium\n" +
"Al Aluminum\n" +
"Si Silicon\n" +
"P Phosphorus\n" +
"S Sulfur\n" +
"Cl Chlorine\n" +
"Ar Argon\n" +
"K Potassium\n" +
"Ca Calcium\n" +
"Sc Scandium\n" +
"Ti Titanium\n" +
"V Vanadium\n" +
"Cr Chromium\n" +
"Mn Manganese\n" +
"Fe Iron\n" +
"Co Cobalt\n" +
"Ni Nickel\n" +
"Cu Copper\n" +
"Zn Zinc\n" +
"Ga Gallium\n" +
"Ge Germanium\n" +
"As Arsenic\n" +
"Se Selenium\n" +
"Br Bromine\n" +
"Kr Krypton\n" +
"Rb Rubidium\n" +
"Sr Strontium\n" +
"Y Yttrium\n" +
"Zr Zirconium\n" +
"Nb Niobium\n" +
"Mo Molybdenum\n" +
"Tc Technetium\n" +
"Ru Ruthenium\n" +
"Rh Rhodium\n" +
"Pd Palladium\n" +
"Ag Silver\n" +
"Cd Cadmium\n" +
"In Indium\n" +
"Sn Tin\n" +
"Sb Antimony\n" +
"Te Tellurium\n" +
"I Iodine\n" +
"Xe Xenon\n" +
"Cs Cesium\n" +
"Ba Barium\n" +
"La Lanthanum\n" +
"Ce Cerium\n" +
"Pr Praseodymium\n" +
"Nd Neodymium\n" +
"Pm Promethium\n" +
"Sm Samarium\n" +
"Eu Europium\n" +
"Gd Gadolinium\n" +
"Tb Terbium\n" +
"Dy Dysprosium\n" +
"Ho Holmium\n" +
"Er Erbium\n" +
"Tm Thulium\n" +
"Yb Ytterbium\n" +
"Lu Lutetium\n" +
"Hf Hafnium\n" +
"Ta Tantalum\n" +
"W Tungsten\n" +
"Re Rhenium\n" +
"Os Osmium\n" +
"Ir Iridium\n" +
"Pt Platinum\n" +
"Au Gold\n" +
"Hg Mercury\n" +
"Tl Thallium\n" +
"Pb Lead\n" +
"Bi Bismuth\n" +
"Po Polonium\n" +
"At Astatine\n" +
"Rn Radon\n" +
"Fr Francium\n" +
"Ra Radium\n" +
"Ac Actinium\n" +
"Th Thorium\n" +
"Pa Protactinium\n" +
"U Uranium\n" +
"Np Neptunium\n" +
"Pu Plutonium\n" +
"Am Americium\n" +
"Cm Curium\n" +
"Bk Berkelium\n" +
"Cf Californium\n" +
"Es Einsteinium\n" +
"Fm Fermium\n" +
"Md Mendelevium\n" +
"No Nobelium\n" +
"Lr Lawrencium\n" +
"Rf Rutherfordium\n" +
"Db Dubnium\n" +
"Sg Seaborgium\n" +
"Bh Bohrium\n" +
"Hs Hassium\n" +
"Mt Meitnerium\n" +
"Ds Darmstadtium\n" +
"Rg Roentgenium\n" +
"Cn Copernicium\n" +
"Uut Ununtrium\n" +
"Fl Flerovium\n" +
"Uup Ununpentium\n" +
"Lv Livermorium\n" +
"Uus Ununseptium\n" +
"Uuo Ununoctium";
public static Map<String,String> getSymbolMap(){
Map<String, String> element_map = new HashMap<>();
Scanner in = new Scanner(symbols_map);
String shortform =;
String longform =;
element_map.put(shortform, longform);
element_map.put(longform.toUpperCase(), longform);
return element_map;
public static Map<String,Integer> parseFormulaString(String formula, Map<String,String> element_map){
Map<String,Integer> element_counts = new HashMap<>();
/* formula = formula.toUpperCase(); */
int len = formula.length();
for(int i = 0; i < len;){
boolean is_group = false;
if(formula.charAt(i) == '('){
is_group = true;
int repeat_count = 1;
Map<String,Integer> atoms_in_group = new HashMap<>();
int start = i;
int restore_i = 0;
String element = null;
String restore_element = null;
while(i < len && Character.isLetter(formula.charAt(i))){
element = formula.substring(start, i);
/* System.out.println( element); */
String element_from_map = element_map.get(element);
if(element_from_map == null)
element_from_map = element_map.get(element.toUpperCase());
if(element_from_map != null){
/* System.out.println("element from map: " + element_from_map); */
restore_i = i;
restore_element = element_from_map;
if(restore_element != null){
i = restore_i;
element = restore_element;
if(element == null || element == ""){
System.out.println("Parse error: could not detect an element where one was expected in formula string.");
System.out.println("Remaining formula to parse: " + formula.substring(i));
start = i;
while(i < len && Character.isDigit(formula.charAt(i))){
int count;
count = Integer.parseInt(formula.substring(start, i));
}catch(NumberFormatException e){
count = 1;
/* System.out.println("element: "+element); */
atoms_in_group.put(element, count);
if(i < len && formula.charAt(i) == ')'){
System.out.println("Parse error: unmatched parenthesis detected...");
is_group = false;
start = i;
while(i < len && Character.isDigit(formula.charAt(i)))
repeat_count = Integer.parseInt(formula.substring(start, i));
}catch(NumberFormatException e){
repeat_count = 1;
}while(is_group == true);
for(String atom_type : atoms_in_group.keySet()){
int current_value = 0;
current_value = element_counts.get(atom_type);
element_counts.put(atom_type, current_value + atoms_in_group.get(atom_type) * repeat_count);
for(Map.Entry<String,Integer> entry : element_counts.entrySet()){
System.out.println(entry.getKey() + ": " + entry.getValue());
return element_counts;
public static final void main(String args[]) {
Map<String,String> element_map = getSymbolMap();
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter Chemical Formula: ");
String formula = in.nextLine();
formula = formula.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9()]", "");
if(formula.length() == 0)
formula = "CH4";
Map<String,Integer> element_counts = parseFormulaString(formula, element_map);
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