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Created May 25, 2015 05:55
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import os
import sys
class Node(object):
def __init__(self):
self.is_word = False
self.children = {}
class Trie(object):
def __init__(self, words):
self.root = Node()
for word in words:
def add_word(self, word):
cur_node = self.root
for c in word:
if not c in cur_node.children:
new_node = Node()
cur_node.children[c] = new_node
cur_node = cur_node.children[c]
cur_node.is_word = True
def is_word(self, word):
cur_node = self.root
for c in word:
if c not in cur_node.children:
return False
cur_node = cur_node.children[c]
return cur_node.is_word
# parse_words :: Trie -> String -> [(String, String)]
def parse_words(dictionary, sentence):
cur_node = dictionary.root
cur_word = ""
if not sentence:
return [("", "")]
possible_words = []
for i, c in enumerate(sentence):
if c not in cur_node.children:
cur_word += c
cur_node = cur_node.children[c]
if cur_node.is_word:
word = cur_word
remaining = sentence[i+1:]
possible_words.append((word, remaining))
return possible_words
# parse_ngram :: Trie -> Int -> String -> [([String], String)]
def parse_ngram(dictionary, n, sentence):
if n <= 0:
return [([], sentence)]
ngrams = []
for word, remaining in parse_words(dictionary, sentence):
possible_ngrams = parse_ngram(dictionary, n-1, remaining)
new_word = ([word] if word else [])
ngrams.extend([(new_word + words, ngram_remaining) for words, ngram_remaining in possible_ngrams])
return ngrams
def beam_parse(sentence, dictionary, ngram_freqs, beam_width=5):
heuristic = lambda words: score_words(ngram_freqs, words)
top_candidates = [([], sentence)]
while any(remaining for _, remaining in top_candidates):
next_candidates = []
for words, remaining in top_candidates:
parses = parse_ngram(dictionary, 5, remaining)
next_candidates.extend((words + new_words, new_remaining) for new_words, new_remaining in parses)
ranked = [(heuristic(words), words, remaining) for words, remaining in next_candidates]
top_ranked = sorted(ranked, reverse=True)[:beam_width]
top_candidates = [(words, remaining) for _, words, remaining in top_ranked]
print "\n".join(map(str, top_candidates))
return [' '.join(words) for words, remaining in top_candidates]
def score_words(ngram_freqs, words):
score = 0
for i in range(len(words)):
for j in range(i, len(words)):
key = tuple(words[i:j+1])
if 5 >= len(key) > 1 and key in ngram_freqs:
modifier = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, [get_word_len_freqs().get(len(word), 0.001) for word in key])
score += ngram_freqs[key] * modifier
return score
def get_words():
with open("/usr/share/dict/words") as fin:
words = [word.strip().lower() for word in fin.readlines()]
return words
def get_ngrams_freqs_upto(n):
ngram_freqs = {}
for i in range(1, n+1):
with open(str(i) + "gram-freq.txt") as fin:
for line in fin.readlines():
fields = line.split()
freq = fields[0]
words = fields[1:]
ngram_freqs[tuple(words)] = int(freq)
return ngram_freqs
def get_word_len_freqs():
return {
1: .027,
2: .679,
3: 4.730,
4: 7.151,
5: 10.804,
6: 13.674,
7: 14.751,
8: 13.616,
9: 11.356,
10: 8.679,
11: 5.913,
12: 3.792,
13: 2.329,
14: 1.232,
15: 0.685,
16: 0.290,
17: 0.162,
18: 0.066,
19: 0.041
def main():
sentence = sys.argv[1].lower()
words = get_words()
ngram_freqs = get_ngrams_freqs_upto(5)
dictionary = Trie(words)
parses = beam_parse(sentence, dictionary, ngram_freqs)
for p in parses:
print p
if __name__ == "__main__":
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